Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Completed cytotron treatment

We completed our cytotron therapy on the 8th April. It was a relief! To me, it was a renew hope. A hope that this will be the break through for Norman, that this will be the tretment that will cure him. BUT 2 days after he finished his treatment, he had a grand mal seizure! It happen early in the morning at 6.30am. He was lying in bed doing leg lifts when he felt twitching on his face. I sense something wrong and as i put my hand over his face, I started to pray. His hands and legs started jerking followed by his whole body jerking violently. His head was contorted to the side, his eyeball was rolled up, he was hissing saliva and gasping for air at the same time! I cried out to God for mercy. As a nurse I have seen patients having fits but nothing is more heart wrenching than seeing Norman suffering from such a severe fit. It lasted about 2 to 3 mins. He was daze for a few hours after that and he got weaker on the right side. I increased his fits medication and commenced steroids again. The cytotron Dr said that most probably its the edema causing the fits. It could be the tumor too.
We are still praying for god's miracle and we will continue to uphold our life to God. God is good, all the time.
May God bless you.

1 comment:

CW said...

I have been reading your posts on and off ever since my father was diagnosed with brain tumour, a slightly different form to GBM. Have you discussed Avastin with your medic? It is the latest approved drug for GBM.