Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cytotron treatment- 18th day

We completed 18 days of the cytotron treatment today. So far there have been no improvement noticed. Norman's speech remain poor. He still could not speak a full sentence clearly. It is so frustrating sometimes. His right hand and leg is still weak and uncoordinated.

We have seen Dr Ibrahim at wijaya medical center and he suggested chemotherapy. However the MGMT report is not favourable for him to go back on Temodar and he might need other newer chemo drugs. I dread these awful drugs and its side effects! We feel that it is too toxic and too damaging and is hesitating to start on it. Dr Ibrahim does not agree on the cytotron treatment and suggest we stop it. Sob! What can we do now? Any suggestions? I am at my wit end!


Monday, March 8, 2010


This morning we went to this clinic in Subang Perdana(Bodi Harmony) to check out their treatment protocol for cancer. Earlier I read about their treatment using RFQMR to treat brain tumor and arthritis at It sound promising and on further research this is what I found out.

RFQMR (Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance) could provide new hope for cancer patients.

Cytotron therapy with RFQMR technology is a non-invasive, safe and effective option to treat tumours by arresting cancer cell division leading to degeneration of the tumor.

Cytotron therapy is patented treatment for tissue regeneration and degeneration. For cancer it utilizes a totally different approach compared to conventional cancer treatment. Instead of the very high frequency ionising radiation used in radiotherapy, RFQMR uses radio or sub-radio frequency, low power, non-ionising, non thermal electromagnetic waves.

The main concern of the therapy is not the immediate destruction of the cancer cells, but rather with the help of the small amount of energy provided to the cell to stop the DNA’s uncontrolled mitosis, put the cell in a vegetative state and in time through apoptosis mechanism let the body get rid of the cancerous cells in a controlled fashion as all cells are programmed by nature for self destruction over time.

RFQMR can be an option for tumor treatment for patients who are unwilling or unable to have surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy or where these treatments have failed. RFQMR beams are precisely controlled and focused onto tissues to alter the proton spin inside and outside the cells therein generating streaming voltage potentials. This alters cell membrane potential to control cell mitosis.

Cytotron treatment is easy for the patient. Patient lies on the Cytotron bed that moves into the focus area and the treating rays are focused onto the affected point with the aid of laser guides and the patient’s MRI.

The computer calculates the dose based on the MRI report, gender, height and weight etc. Usually the treatment is given for 60 minutes daily for a period of 28 days. Most tumors should require a single treatment cycle but more may be required depending on the extent and aggressiveness of the tumor.

The treatment is non-invasive and patient feels no pain or discomfort due to the treatment. Patients can even listen to music or read during the treatment. For patients diagnosed with a tumor with or without previous surgery, chemo, or radiation, the RFQMR alters the Cell Membrane Potential to selectively arrest the cancer cell division and growth of tumor.

Each cell has a limited life span and is programmed by nature to die after completing that life span – hence the tumor cells whose growth has been arrested with RFQMR will die in due course of time. Death of cancer cells whose growth has been arrested by RFQMR leads to cancer free body. The same principle applies for patients with a recurrence/metastasis earlier untreated or previously treated by surgery, chemo, or radiation.

Even in advanced and terminally ill patients, the response leads to improvement in quality of life. For patients with a brain tumor (primary, recurrence, or metastasis) the response is often dramatic as the tumor shrinks leading to pressure relief. This is especially important as RFQMR is unaffected by the blood brain barrier and many available chemo drugs to treat brain tumors are not as effective as they cannot cross this blood brain barrierThe procedure is purely external with RFQMR rays requiring no Anesthesia, Blood transfusion, Hospital stay and is possible even in most patients who are unfit for anaesthesia, surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Cytotron therapy can be used to decrease the chance of metastasis.

We need to repeat another MRI on wednesday and will most probably start treatment on saturday. Norman will need 28 sessions of treatment over 28 days, special supplements and some form of electro magnectic waves stimulation on his right side. Total cost is about RM32,000.

We are very thankful that God has open this new door of renewed hope for us. Our spirit are lifted up again and we will not cease to pray for God's divine healing to be upon us. Father God, lay your hands us, keep us from harm and sufferings. Amen


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Recurrent tumor

We had a brain scan done on the 25th February at sunway hospital. The report was not good. The tumor had grown bigger, 5.5 x 4.1 x 4.1 cm. We were devastated! The neurosurgeon could not offer anymore treatment now.
We saw Dr Ibrahim at Wijaya medical center and he suggest proton radiation therapy. This therapy is something like the normal radiotherapy. It directs highly precise beams of protons to kill the cancerous tumor. However, I went on to seek a second opinion from Dr Foo (oncologist from Subang Medical center) and she is not for it. It may not be effective at all since Norman already had 30 fractions of radiation therapy. Btw, the proton therapy is only available in Shan Don, Wanjie hospital in China. It takes 6 to 7 weeks to complete the therapy and cost about RM180,000! The other place that offers proton therapy is in Boston and the cost is double!
The other alternative is to start chemotherapy which could only temporary control the tumor growth. However we need to check the MGMT level of the tumor before we can start on chemo. This MGMT test can only be done in India!! The good Dr had make arrangment to courier the tumor specimen to India today and we need 1 week to get the results. This MGMT level will tell us wheather Norman is resistent to the chemo drugs.
I am so lost now. I need to make decisions fast and I feel so weary and burden.
If you all have any suggestions please write to me. Will blog again soon.