Sunday, May 23, 2010

MRI after cytotron

We had an MRI done on Friday, 21st May, about 6 weeks after cytotron treatment. Its bad news again. Sob! The damn tumor is now 6.7 x 4.7 x 5.4 cm. Its progressing! And thats not the only bad news! There is 2 small new enhancing tumor deeper in the brain! I am totally lost now. We dare not tell Norman about the new growth. We just told him that the tumor had increase very slightly. But I think he knows better as he is feeling weaker the past 1 to 2 weeks. The cancer is slowly consuming him, day by day. Oh God, why are you so cruel to him? Isn't there anymore good news for us? I wanted him to be one of the few who can "beat" this cancer but now our hope is now dwindling. I miss him so much. He is here but he is disappearing! Where is my husband who climb moutains, trek hills, who fixes eveything in the house, where is he who shares all my hope and dreams, his quick wit, his humor, his tender loving care. We were suppose to sit in our rocking chair, counting the stars from our balcony with our grand children! Now everyday is bittersweet and tinge with some underlying sadness. He is always angry, frustrated and miserable. But he is still here and he is my hero. We all love him with all our heart. My family and myself will give everything for him. We are still praying for a miracle.


Unknown said...

Please don't give up hope. I've been treating GBM using Cytotron since 2006. Some patients do take time to show improvement on MRI or may show deterioration depending on the tumor size, past therapies, state of immune response, etc. Whenever there is increase in tumor size or evidence of further spread following the first course of RFQMR therapy, I give a second course after a break of about two weeks and manage other complications like increased intracranial pressure etc. (I do this at no additional cost to the patient.) Some patient especially the younger ones do show better results.
Right now I have a 42 yrs patient who came with a huge tumor involving both frontal lobes and corpus callosum. Following RFQMR therapy, he showed increase of pressure symptoms and was sent for surgery again; waiting to follow him up with RFQMR therapy after he is discharged.
Where the tumor load is high, a second course of RFQMR therapy needs to be tried since it does not pose any additional side effects or complications to the patient.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
GS Nayar

lauren h. said...

Dorothy I am so sorry. I sob along with you. I lost my father to this disease this past Feburary and it is just heartwrenching. But in the end we are able to step through the pain and realize, EVERYTHING is taken care of by our Father, in life or in death, everything has been taken care of. This is an awful time I know...but you and Norman are covered in His blood and so taken care of, no matter what may come. I am praying for you and Norman's heart to relax in His love and care for you. Love to you both.

ShaliniM said...

Dorothy, I feel your pain and helplessness (sob :'-() and also understand your fighting spirit. We (my mother and three sisters) lost my father in Feb 2010, less than a month after Cytotron Treatment in Bangalore. We were also very hopeful that we will win the war against cancer (pancreatic in his case) but my father showed no sign of improvement during and after the treatment. His condition just kept deteriorating and he was snatched away from us despite all our efforts. I am hoping and praying that your husband recovers soon and what GS Nayar is saying comes true. I am praying to God to be very kind to you and Norman and cure him soon. Hugs to you and Norman.