Friday, August 20, 2010

Personality change

Norman is not the same anymore. Its still him, but the light from his eyes is not there anymore. Its almost gone! His character, his personality have change completely.His attention span can be measured in nanoseconds! He shouts and scream in frustration most of the time! Sob! I wonder if he understand us at all now. He does not comprehend time and place anymore but he can still recite the alphabets or count 1 to 30!He repeats whatever I said over and over again for hours!!
It's hard but I try my best to let him know I love him no matter what. When I hug him he could still put his good hand around to hug me too!
Will the lights come back? Will it at least brighten a bit? Can God give us a miracle? Please pray with us. By his stripes, we are healed. Amen.


Carls Poh said...

Hang on there, Dorothy! In search of Dr. Lee's profile, I came accross your blog.

My mum is going through the same situation like yours, taking care of a patient, whom is her beloved husband, my beloved Dad! Fully understand your situation!

At this very crutial moment, you have to be strong! Not only your husband, but your children need you the most also!

I will keep Norman in my prayers! Take care!

Benny said...

I know it was hard for u, mum. But u've been faithful and i'm very sure u'll be blessed! Keep going!