Monday, January 7, 2008

Nutritional Strategies Against brain Tumour

Can cancer patients eat anything they like? Sure … eat anything you like, so say some experts. There is now enough evidence to say that food has got a lot to do whether you get cancer or not. When and after you have cancer – can you still eat anything your like? They say -- Sure, eat anything you like to build up your body! Is this not making the cancer worse? According to one expert, “cancer could not careless what we eat”. Of course cancer couldn’t careless what we eat …. the more we feed the cancer cells with what they like, the happier they are! Yes, the cancer couldn’t careless but our body ought to care … we need to feed our body right so that we can become healthier and DENY the nutrients that would make cancer cells grow and flourish in us. Is it not logical enough?

Fruits and vegetables have been shown to be among the best means to reduce risk of cancer and other diseases … deeply hued fruits and vegetables provide the wide range of vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals your body needs to maintain good health and energy levels, protect against the effects of aging, and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Evidence suggests that either a near vegetarian diet or a vegetarian diet is the best Reduction in cancer rates were observed in studies where participants reduced their animal-food consumption. A study showed that some fish added to a vegetarian diet provides benefits … diet containing a significant quantity of animal products cannot be healthy!

A well nourished cancer patient can better manage the disease, has fewer side effects from RT and chemo and increase chances for remission, Norman has completed about half of his 30 fractions of RT and Temodar treatment but he has yet to experience side effects like nausea, vomiting, hair loss and fatigue. At the moment he is still able to work and even treks up Gasing Hill like a breeze! Cool! He and Yam Koh are still racing each other! Oooiiiiiii, slow down abit, will ya?
We are seeing a Dr Pang at USJ9 for guidance on eating a proper diet and taking the correct supplements. She majors in preventive medicine. Her chief objective now is to boost up Norman’s immune system. Her diet plans plus my knowledge from hours of fervent reading online is as follows:

1 The super nutrients juicer
Juice 3 veggie -celery, cucumber, carrot twice a day
Juice 2 fruit- Guava, pineapple, grapes, pear, apple twice a day
Fruits to be taken whole-banana, papaya, red dragon fruit, kiwi, chestnuts
If possible, eat organic fruits. Sometimes I add enzyme powder to the juice too.
Avoid watermelon and durians, they contains too much toxins.

2 Eat organic food
Recommended diet portion of veggie is 1 cup cooked + 2 cups raw veggie for lunch or dinner. Only small portion of fish is permitted. We try to keep to this regime but I usually end up stir frying the veggie instead. I would like to add more variety and spices eg. Organic curry, mixed herbs, oregano, basil leaves, to enhance the flavor of food for Norman.

Norman likes salad. So I try to mix all the veggie, nuts, tomatoes, carrots, flaxseed oil, etc from the organic shop and I call it “Dorothy’s Salad”. So easy, No need cooking. Ha! Ha!

I welcome any vegetarian recipes from anyone. I am now learning to make lui cha fan. I got the recipe from Amy Beh website.

3 Food to avoid
a) Any sweet food. Sugar fuel and strengthen cancer cells. Elevated blood glucose lowers immune system.
b) Avoid all fizzy drinks (including 100 plus), white sugar (substitute with Stevia or molasses sugar), white rice (substitute with millet, cous-cous, brown rice, quinoa), and white bread (substitute with whole grain bread, rye bread).
c) Avoid all diary products and processed foods.
d) Avoid all meat to reduce acidosis in body. Meat like, beef, chicken, pork, lamb are completely out. Small portion of fish is permitted. Beans, nuts and millets will provide sufficient intake of protein.

While on radiation and chemotherapy, Norman drinks wheat grass juice, Millennium juice, coconut water, phyto-berry drink and lots of alkaline water. We just installed a Toyo alkaline water system recently.

Super food-We try to eat these food daily.

Garlic - Scientist find that garlic is deadly to invading pathogens or tumor cells, but is harmless to normal healthy body cells, thus offering the hope of the truly selective toxin against cancer that is being sought world wide.

Cruciferous vegetables – Broccoli, cabbage, spinach, all types of big leafy greens and cauliflowers are able to increase the body’s production of glutathione peroxides, which is one of the most protective enzyme systems in the body.

Mushrooms – Now there is an abundance of scientific evidence showing that Rei-shi, Shiitake, and Maitake mushrooms are potent anti cancer food. Oral extract of Maitake provided complete elimination of tumors in 40% of animals tested while the remaining 60% of animals had a 90% of elimination of tumors. It contains a beta-glucan which stimulates the immune system and even lowers blood pressure.

Legumes – Soya beans, pinto beans, black beans, garbanzo, red beans and green beans provide adequate proteins in the diet. Isoflavones and phytoestrogens in the soy beans have potent anti cancer properties. I boil these together with the millet for dinner. Organic fermented beans like black bean taucu and miso are the best. I use them to enhance food taste instead of salt.

Other food that we eat regularly- seaweed, ginger, snow fungus, black fungus, Inoki mushroom, sweet potatoes

Food Supplements Taken By Norman

Supplements recommended by Doctor

1 AHCC- Active Hexose Correlated compound. Please check online for this very interesting super food from Japan. It is extracted from the myecial threads of a mushroom.
2 Green Tea extract-
3 Prolactar- Friendly bacteria
4 Alpha Lipioc Acid- an antioxidant that increased production of glutathione which helps
dissolve toxic substances in the liver. It can cross the Blood Brain Barrier to go directly where it is needed.
5 Vitamin E
6 Zinc- essential for brain development and function.

Quote of the day!

"Let thy food be your medicine and your medicine be your food."

Hippocrates, father of modern medicine, 400 B.c


Beyonder said...

lots of information stuff there

BiiK007 said...

cool stuffs here... very informative and how true it is. I'm fighting with my diabetes as well as my hypertension & the diet regime is tough. I'm having a hard time adjusting so... I'll always try to get lots of fruits in my diet & also my daily dose of multivites & not to forget my medication... so far, my blood glucose level is manageable. Anyway, keep it up Datin, you are doing a great job & Dato' is definitely heading towards the road of full recovery. God Bless!