On 4th feb, norman's brain scan showed a malingnant tumor measuring 3 x 3.5cm. I was devastated! I feel like I have fallen through a trap door into total darkness and i felt numb to the bones! Nothing felt the same after that bad news. Nothing is the same and nothing will ever be the same. I see the despair in Norman's eyes and I feel so helpless! I do not know, honestly, how I will weather all the grief, the emotional stress and the deep agony in my soul. God have mercy on me! I will breath deeply through every bout of anxiety and fears and pain!
After several visit to several hospital and several doctors, we decided on surgery.
On 16th feb, surgery was done at sunway medical center.5 glaidel wafers was implanted. Norman recovery was excellent. Praise God. The price?? Its too traumatic to tell. Leave it alone ok! We are discharged on the 19th feb.
Below are some pre and post op photos.