We are flying to Beijing, Tian Tan puhua hospital on th 3rd January. Norman is able to walk now but will still need the wheelchair as the airport is big and we need to walk quite a distance. I heard the Beijing airport is also one of the biggest airport too! Its freezing cold in Beijing and we need at least 4 layers of thick clothing to combat the -10 degree there. I think I might have icesicles dripping down my nose! The air is so dry, we will need to put an icing layer of moisturiser to protect our delicate skin!
Norman 's main treatment protocol is stem cell transplantation. High doses of stem cells will be administered via IV injection for the first 1-2 weeks, the dose gradually reduced later. It seems the stem cell can cross the blood brain barrier and kill the cancer cells directly. I will blog when I have more info in Beijing.
I would like to thank all friends for their well wishes, prayers and support this past weeks. Thank you, thank you and thank you. You all have been great!
In god's glory,
Friday, December 25, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Physiotherapy and speech therapy
Today is the 6th day after Norman's surgery. He is recovering remarkably well. I started rehabilitation 2 days ago because the earlier rehab is started the faster he will recover. Rehab is critical as it will help his brain to reorganize and recover functions that is lost. Most of the improvement will take place within the first 2 to 3 weeks, so during this time frame I will need total dedication and perseverance on my part as I will be his main physiotherapist cum speech therapist.At the moment, I have arrange a physio to come in 3 times a week for half hour each time($40 per half hour).We have started some tongue exercise. Today Norman was able to count 1 to 50 and recide A to Z with some minor difficulties. It is indeed a mark improvement compared to 2 days ago when he could not talk at all!
For his coordination exercise, I mixed chick peas and black beans together on a tray and get him to pick up the black beans and drop it into a container. He is still very slow but I believe he will improve. He still cannot hold a spoon yet. Sometimes when he tries too hard to tell me something I get him to write it with his left hand.Its difficult and I need all the patience in the world!
Strength and coordination is two different thing altogether. The strength of his right hand is grade4, (grade 5 being the best) but his right leg is rated grade 3. (The tumor is on his left frontal lobe). That means I need to work more on his right leg. I manage to walk him with a walking stick for a few minutes this morning. Hallelujah! He get tire easily, so I cannot push too much. His wounds is still raw and I cannot risk any increase in ICP(intra cranial pressure).
Norman's medication.
Dexametazone 2mg 4x a day. It is an anti inflammatory drug to reduce edema in the brain.
Keppra 250mg 2x a day, Epilim 200mg 2x a day. These are anti fits drugs.
Nootrophil(Piracetam) 2x a day. This drug is credited with improving cognitive functions and memory.
Neuroaid 4 capsules 3x a day. This is a mixture of herbs from China. Extensive clinical trails have been done with it and the results are promising. It improve recovery of speech and other neuro functions by regenerating healthy neurons pathways.
Besides all these medication, I give him a careful selections of natural vitamins and collagen to help boost his immunity and general health.
Thank you all for your uplifting emails, for your comforting word of encouragement and your fervent prayers. I will continue to write when time permits.
God bless,
For his coordination exercise, I mixed chick peas and black beans together on a tray and get him to pick up the black beans and drop it into a container. He is still very slow but I believe he will improve. He still cannot hold a spoon yet. Sometimes when he tries too hard to tell me something I get him to write it with his left hand.Its difficult and I need all the patience in the world!
Strength and coordination is two different thing altogether. The strength of his right hand is grade4, (grade 5 being the best) but his right leg is rated grade 3. (The tumor is on his left frontal lobe). That means I need to work more on his right leg. I manage to walk him with a walking stick for a few minutes this morning. Hallelujah! He get tire easily, so I cannot push too much. His wounds is still raw and I cannot risk any increase in ICP(intra cranial pressure).
Norman's medication.
Dexametazone 2mg 4x a day. It is an anti inflammatory drug to reduce edema in the brain.
Keppra 250mg 2x a day, Epilim 200mg 2x a day. These are anti fits drugs.
Nootrophil(Piracetam) 2x a day. This drug is credited with improving cognitive functions and memory.
Neuroaid 4 capsules 3x a day. This is a mixture of herbs from China. Extensive clinical trails have been done with it and the results are promising. It improve recovery of speech and other neuro functions by regenerating healthy neurons pathways.
Besides all these medication, I give him a careful selections of natural vitamins and collagen to help boost his immunity and general health.
Thank you all for your uplifting emails, for your comforting word of encouragement and your fervent prayers. I will continue to write when time permits.
God bless,
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Home after brain surgery
Dear friends,
We are home. Yes, we made it! We are happy to be home yet we are weary and burden! The surgeon was a tat too adventurous and might have cut too much. But he wanted to remove every one of those damn mutated cells. He too, like us wanted Norman to have a full recovery. Now we are to pay a heavy price for this surgery. Norman is now with right hemiparesis and dysphasia.
Hemiparesis is weakness on one side of the body. The surgical knife have cause deep laceration in the brain and a lot of nerve are cut and damaged. Norman was unable to walk at all yesterday. His right hands and right leg have lost all power. He could could grip your hand but could barely hold a spoon! With 2 person holding him, he could barely drag his right leg forward! That was yesterday. Today he could just about lift his right leg forward to begin his long journey to recovery. With God's grace and mercy, he is going to recover fast and good. Praise God!
Dysphasia is a partial or complete impairment of the ability to communicate. Norman is able to understand what is said but have great difficulties pronouncing words. He was unable to say his own name or any of our children's name! He manage to count one, two, three with great dificulties. He tried so hard to say just one word, it bring tears to my eyes. There is slight improvement today and any improvement is a victory to us! We clap our hands and shout with joy when he manage to take his first step today! Hallelujah!
I want to express my deepest gratitute to all you kind friends who have help ease my pain thru this very painful times. God have indeed blessed me richly with good and sincere friends. Thank you.
In God's glory,
We are home. Yes, we made it! We are happy to be home yet we are weary and burden! The surgeon was a tat too adventurous and might have cut too much. But he wanted to remove every one of those damn mutated cells. He too, like us wanted Norman to have a full recovery. Now we are to pay a heavy price for this surgery. Norman is now with right hemiparesis and dysphasia.
Hemiparesis is weakness on one side of the body. The surgical knife have cause deep laceration in the brain and a lot of nerve are cut and damaged. Norman was unable to walk at all yesterday. His right hands and right leg have lost all power. He could could grip your hand but could barely hold a spoon! With 2 person holding him, he could barely drag his right leg forward! That was yesterday. Today he could just about lift his right leg forward to begin his long journey to recovery. With God's grace and mercy, he is going to recover fast and good. Praise God!
Dysphasia is a partial or complete impairment of the ability to communicate. Norman is able to understand what is said but have great difficulties pronouncing words. He was unable to say his own name or any of our children's name! He manage to count one, two, three with great dificulties. He tried so hard to say just one word, it bring tears to my eyes. There is slight improvement today and any improvement is a victory to us! We clap our hands and shout with joy when he manage to take his first step today! Hallelujah!
I want to express my deepest gratitute to all you kind friends who have help ease my pain thru this very painful times. God have indeed blessed me richly with good and sincere friends. Thank you.
In God's glory,
Monday, November 16, 2009
3rd surgery with 5-ALA
5-aminolevulinic acid
We had a brain scan done on the 3rd Nov and the report shows a enhancing tumor 5cm in size. It was devastatiing for us. No words can describe how we felt at that point of time.
The Dr suggest another surgery, which will be his 3rd. The second surgery was on the 16th Feb this year. This time round, the surgeon will use a new technique using 5-ALA.
Malignant glioma exhibit characteristic infiltrative proliferation and even under a powerful surgical microscope the tumour perimeters are hard to differentiate from healthy tissue. In brain surgery we can’t remove a bit of extra tissue to be on the safe side because that tissue is always functional, A new fluorescence technique that shows up tumour cells extremely clear and enables the surgeon to achieve much higher accuracy with tumour resection is 5-ALA. Well-tolerated 5-ALA labels tumour cells
Brain tumours like glioma are able to accumulate a substance called 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) and transform it into the strongly fluorescing protoporphyrinIX (PPIX). Three hours before the operation, Norman will drink a solution containing 20 mg of 5-ALAper kilogram bodyweight. The solution tastes rather sour, but is well tolerated and causes practically no side effects, because 5-ALA occurs naturally in the body. The PPIX is made to fluoresce under blue-violet light, enabling Dr Lee to clearly identify and safely remove the otherwise hard to spot tumour perimeters and any tumour residue remaining after resection of necrotic tissue and the solid tumour.
There is the danger of over cutting, so the Dr will wake up Norman half way thru the surgery to test his neuro functions like speech,memory and movement functions. We are assure that they will be no pain.
Dear friends, we need your fervent prayers to uphold us thru these trying times. We have not confirm the surgery date yet. Will be seeing the surgeon today and will update you all then.
May God bless you.
We had a brain scan done on the 3rd Nov and the report shows a enhancing tumor 5cm in size. It was devastatiing for us. No words can describe how we felt at that point of time.
The Dr suggest another surgery, which will be his 3rd. The second surgery was on the 16th Feb this year. This time round, the surgeon will use a new technique using 5-ALA.
Malignant glioma exhibit characteristic infiltrative proliferation and even under a powerful surgical microscope the tumour perimeters are hard to differentiate from healthy tissue. In brain surgery we can’t remove a bit of extra tissue to be on the safe side because that tissue is always functional, A new fluorescence technique that shows up tumour cells extremely clear and enables the surgeon to achieve much higher accuracy with tumour resection is 5-ALA. Well-tolerated 5-ALA labels tumour cells
Brain tumours like glioma are able to accumulate a substance called 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) and transform it into the strongly fluorescing protoporphyrinIX (PPIX). Three hours before the operation, Norman will drink a solution containing 20 mg of 5-ALAper kilogram bodyweight. The solution tastes rather sour, but is well tolerated and causes practically no side effects, because 5-ALA occurs naturally in the body. The PPIX is made to fluoresce under blue-violet light, enabling Dr Lee to clearly identify and safely remove the otherwise hard to spot tumour perimeters and any tumour residue remaining after resection of necrotic tissue and the solid tumour.
There is the danger of over cutting, so the Dr will wake up Norman half way thru the surgery to test his neuro functions like speech,memory and movement functions. We are assure that they will be no pain.
Dear friends, we need your fervent prayers to uphold us thru these trying times. We have not confirm the surgery date yet. Will be seeing the surgeon today and will update you all then.
May God bless you.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Brain tumors may not always be fatal.
Dear friends, I read this good news about brain cancer and felt uplifted! There is hope!
Brain Cancer May Not Always Be Fatal
September 3, 2009
The recent death of Senator Edward Kennedy made many people more aware of brain cancer, in particular malignant gliomas, the aggressive form of brain cancer that ended Senator Kennedy's life. Malignant gliomas are the most common type of brain cancer. Few patients survive more than a year and a half after diagnosis.
At Duke University, Dr. John Sampson says the poor outcome is partly due to the many different types of cells in brain cancers. "While one cell may be susceptible to chemotherapy and another susceptible to radiation, there may be a third cell that is susceptible to neither of those standard therapies," Dr. Sampson said. Some doctors hold out hope, if not for a cure, for a longer life. VOA reported earlier that Dr. Marcus Bredel at Northwestern University has identified certain genes that may help some patients survive longer, and other genes within the tumor that resist treatment and continue growing. "We were able to predict the survival of glioblastoma (brain cancer) patients in a couple of populations across the United States," he said. Twenty-four-year old P. J. Lukac is one of the researchers. He has glioblastoma, the deadliest form of brain cancer. "When I started in the lab it was a very surreal experience because they talk about uniform fatality, they talk about inevitable recurrences of the cancer, and that kind of just hits you," Lukac said. But he is also hopeful. "I think in my lifetime we will see glioblastoma become a chronic and manageable disease," he added. Surgery is still the preferred option to remove as much of the tumor as possible. But a new treatment involves using fiber-optic laser probes placed inside the brain tumor. With a burning hot laser, doctors can destroy cancerous tissue they may not be able to reach during conventional surgery. Doctors Gene Barnett and Steven Jones use fiber optic lasers at the Cleveland Clinic.
"This [the procedure] allows us to steer the laser in different directions, to treat larger areas of tumor and protect normal brain," Dr. Barnett said.
Norman is holding on bravely. In spite of such adversity, we are trying to lead a normal and peaceful existence. We believe in miracles!
Brain Cancer May Not Always Be Fatal
September 3, 2009
The recent death of Senator Edward Kennedy made many people more aware of brain cancer, in particular malignant gliomas, the aggressive form of brain cancer that ended Senator Kennedy's life. Malignant gliomas are the most common type of brain cancer. Few patients survive more than a year and a half after diagnosis.
At Duke University, Dr. John Sampson says the poor outcome is partly due to the many different types of cells in brain cancers. "While one cell may be susceptible to chemotherapy and another susceptible to radiation, there may be a third cell that is susceptible to neither of those standard therapies," Dr. Sampson said. Some doctors hold out hope, if not for a cure, for a longer life. VOA reported earlier that Dr. Marcus Bredel at Northwestern University has identified certain genes that may help some patients survive longer, and other genes within the tumor that resist treatment and continue growing. "We were able to predict the survival of glioblastoma (brain cancer) patients in a couple of populations across the United States," he said. Twenty-four-year old P. J. Lukac is one of the researchers. He has glioblastoma, the deadliest form of brain cancer. "When I started in the lab it was a very surreal experience because they talk about uniform fatality, they talk about inevitable recurrences of the cancer, and that kind of just hits you," Lukac said. But he is also hopeful. "I think in my lifetime we will see glioblastoma become a chronic and manageable disease," he added. Surgery is still the preferred option to remove as much of the tumor as possible. But a new treatment involves using fiber-optic laser probes placed inside the brain tumor. With a burning hot laser, doctors can destroy cancerous tissue they may not be able to reach during conventional surgery. Doctors Gene Barnett and Steven Jones use fiber optic lasers at the Cleveland Clinic.
"This [the procedure] allows us to steer the laser in different directions, to treat larger areas of tumor and protect normal brain," Dr. Barnett said.
Norman is holding on bravely. In spite of such adversity, we are trying to lead a normal and peaceful existence. We believe in miracles!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Still fighting
Dear friends,
I have been taking care of Norman for the past 21 months, since Nov 2007 and while part of me is very grateful that he has made it so well thus far,another part of me is screaming why, oh why doesn't it end soon! Since his second surgery in Feb 2009,he has poor control over his emotion. He gets angry over minor things especially with the children and no one can do enough to make him happy. Sometime I feel like pulling out my hair or something like that. Then I step back and try to see things from his side. Norman has always been a very independent person and now he is not able to work or drive. His sleep is always disrupted. His social life is non existent. He complains about being bored and there is nothing to do and he feels like craps most of the time! Sob! I can feel all his frustration and anxiety. As a result, I too don't sleep well, I don't want to exercise and feel like craps too! Well, no one says life is ever easy living with cancer!Let me learn to go through the bad times and enjoy the good times. Let me be thankful even for all these trails and tribulations from God. I am blessed to know that God will never forsake me and Norman. With strength and courage from God, we will overcome. Thank you for all your care and support.
I have been taking care of Norman for the past 21 months, since Nov 2007 and while part of me is very grateful that he has made it so well thus far,another part of me is screaming why, oh why doesn't it end soon! Since his second surgery in Feb 2009,he has poor control over his emotion. He gets angry over minor things especially with the children and no one can do enough to make him happy. Sometime I feel like pulling out my hair or something like that. Then I step back and try to see things from his side. Norman has always been a very independent person and now he is not able to work or drive. His sleep is always disrupted. His social life is non existent. He complains about being bored and there is nothing to do and he feels like craps most of the time! Sob! I can feel all his frustration and anxiety. As a result, I too don't sleep well, I don't want to exercise and feel like craps too! Well, no one says life is ever easy living with cancer!Let me learn to go through the bad times and enjoy the good times. Let me be thankful even for all these trails and tribulations from God. I am blessed to know that God will never forsake me and Norman. With strength and courage from God, we will overcome. Thank you for all your care and support.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Steroid withdrawal syndrome
On Friday,21st August, we saw a neurosurgeon at Sunway and Norman was diagnosed with Steroid withdrawal syndrome. What is that? Precisely what it mean, his body is suffering because we taper off the dexamethazone a week ago! And what were the syptoms?
On Thursday evening(20th August), he could not speak at all, his right side was weak,his right face was droopy and he was not steady when he walks! He couldn't even swallow well as water and food leaks out from the right corner of his mouth.He had 2 fits on thursday night.It was all so exhausting! On Friday morning we were like zhombies! And all these happens because of the devastating effects of steroid withdrawal!
What are steroids?
Steroids are hormones produced by the adrenal glands that are used to reduce brain swelling. Steroids belong to a class of drugs called corticosteroids. The steroids used to treat brain tumors are not the same as those used by athletes. The most common steroid is Dexamethasone. Norman was given steroid to treat his brain edema.
Usually he will take it for about 2 weeks and I will taper it off very gradually, about 1 mg daily by the third week. Since his second surgery in Februay, he has been on this steroid cycle several times because the MRI scan keeps showing massive edema and now the fits keep coming back. So when will all these steroid madness ends? I dont know. The Drs are trigger happy with the steroid and we are drowning with fear from this withdrawal symptoms not to listen to them. Isn't there any other treatment? I wish I know!
For the time being, Norman's condition have improved after taking the steroid. He still could not talk in proper sentences but at least he can say something! We are praying fervently for a complete and speedy recovery.
May God bless you all.
On Thursday evening(20th August), he could not speak at all, his right side was weak,his right face was droopy and he was not steady when he walks! He couldn't even swallow well as water and food leaks out from the right corner of his mouth.He had 2 fits on thursday night.It was all so exhausting! On Friday morning we were like zhombies! And all these happens because of the devastating effects of steroid withdrawal!
What are steroids?
Steroids are hormones produced by the adrenal glands that are used to reduce brain swelling. Steroids belong to a class of drugs called corticosteroids. The steroids used to treat brain tumors are not the same as those used by athletes. The most common steroid is Dexamethasone. Norman was given steroid to treat his brain edema.
Usually he will take it for about 2 weeks and I will taper it off very gradually, about 1 mg daily by the third week. Since his second surgery in Februay, he has been on this steroid cycle several times because the MRI scan keeps showing massive edema and now the fits keep coming back. So when will all these steroid madness ends? I dont know. The Drs are trigger happy with the steroid and we are drowning with fear from this withdrawal symptoms not to listen to them. Isn't there any other treatment? I wish I know!
For the time being, Norman's condition have improved after taking the steroid. He still could not talk in proper sentences but at least he can say something! We are praying fervently for a complete and speedy recovery.
May God bless you all.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
MRI, fits, brain edema
On 13th August,2009 Norman had MRI of the brain at Sunway medical center. He have been having difficulty with his speech lately but can still manage to carry on a conversation slowly. The scan still shows a tumor about 4cm by 3.5cm with massive edema and lots of necrotic tissue. The Dr was not so worried and send us home with more fits medication.
2 days ago, Norman finds that his speech was not only slow but slurred as well. The symptoms of the disease is progressing- anger, aggression, weakness on one side( he was not able to hold a spoon) and extreme difficulty to say anything! It is all so terrifying. I am trying to keep my hope up but the fears keep creeping in. Again and again my faith have been tested! My wonderful children have been very supportive and we pray constantly for a miracle from God.
At this point, I want to thank all our friends who have upkeep us with your fervent prayers. Knowing you all are there for us have been a great help. Thank you.
2 days ago, Norman finds that his speech was not only slow but slurred as well. The symptoms of the disease is progressing- anger, aggression, weakness on one side( he was not able to hold a spoon) and extreme difficulty to say anything! It is all so terrifying. I am trying to keep my hope up but the fears keep creeping in. Again and again my faith have been tested! My wonderful children have been very supportive and we pray constantly for a miracle from God.
At this point, I want to thank all our friends who have upkeep us with your fervent prayers. Knowing you all are there for us have been a great help. Thank you.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Yoka Ha and family
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Reunion of class73 sjc
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Hard on the brain
Hard on the brain and brain scan report
There was an article on the star newspaper (6th May 2009) entitled “ Hard on the brain. After chemotherapy, patients can experience huge cognitive problems”. This couldn’t be more true for Norman! It is indeed a widespread problem for cancer patient, especially brain tumor patient who have undergone brain radiation therapy as well.
After 30 fractions of radiotherapy and 6 cycles of Temozolomide chemo treatment, welcome to chemo brain! Nowadays, Norman struggled to find the right word for an object or is unable to type out a letter smoothly (he could not spell words correctly). He could no longer multitask as he easily lost concentration and the ability to focus. On top of that he suffers short term memory loss too! All these occurrences shake his confidence and upset him tremendously. Friends said he looks good but they don’t really know what he is still going through. All these problems could be the results of chemotherapy and radiation therapy damaging the brain’s ability to grow new cells.
Lately, Norman gets tire easily. On Tuesday ( 13th may), he had a mild facial fit after playing 18 hole of golf. We were worried sick! Yesterday (14th may) we had a brain scan done. The report shows the tumor now measure 3.5 x 3.4 x 4.5 cm in size and still massive edema present. It is this edema that is causing him the fits. Again the Dr put him on high doses of steroids. So now he not only have a chemo brain but also a steroid brain! God bless him! Sob! I don’t know how much more of this medication abuse we can take! I am so tire from so much fear. I might just freak out but the Dr said I have to be strong for him. So, the battle continues……
There was an article on the star newspaper (6th May 2009) entitled “ Hard on the brain. After chemotherapy, patients can experience huge cognitive problems”. This couldn’t be more true for Norman! It is indeed a widespread problem for cancer patient, especially brain tumor patient who have undergone brain radiation therapy as well.
After 30 fractions of radiotherapy and 6 cycles of Temozolomide chemo treatment, welcome to chemo brain! Nowadays, Norman struggled to find the right word for an object or is unable to type out a letter smoothly (he could not spell words correctly). He could no longer multitask as he easily lost concentration and the ability to focus. On top of that he suffers short term memory loss too! All these occurrences shake his confidence and upset him tremendously. Friends said he looks good but they don’t really know what he is still going through. All these problems could be the results of chemotherapy and radiation therapy damaging the brain’s ability to grow new cells.
Lately, Norman gets tire easily. On Tuesday ( 13th may), he had a mild facial fit after playing 18 hole of golf. We were worried sick! Yesterday (14th may) we had a brain scan done. The report shows the tumor now measure 3.5 x 3.4 x 4.5 cm in size and still massive edema present. It is this edema that is causing him the fits. Again the Dr put him on high doses of steroids. So now he not only have a chemo brain but also a steroid brain! God bless him! Sob! I don’t know how much more of this medication abuse we can take! I am so tire from so much fear. I might just freak out but the Dr said I have to be strong for him. So, the battle continues……
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Prayer of bereavment
Dear Shirley and Josephine,
ALMIGHTY GOD, we rejoice to know
that your reign extends far beyond the limits of this life.
In the mystery of what lies beyond our sight
we pray that your love may complete its work
in those whose days on earth are done;
and grant that we who serve you now in this world
may at last share with them
the glories of your heavenly kingdom
HEAR US, O merciful Father,
as we remember in love, our brother Heng Li and TL Yeap
whom we have placed in your hands.
Enfold them in the arms of your mercy,
in the blessed rest of everlasting peace
Heng Li and TL, go forth upon your journey from this world,
in the name of God the Father almighty who created you;
in the name of Jesus Christ who suffered death for you:
in the name of the Holy Spirit who strengthens you;
in communion with the blessed Saints,
and all the armies of the heavenly host.
may you be in peace,
Give rest, O Christ, to your servant Heng Li and TL
Where sorrow and pain are no more,
neither sighing, but life everlasting.
Father of all mercies and God of all consolation,.
give courage to Shirley and Josephine in their loss and sorrow.
Be their refuge and strength, O Lord,
reassure them of your continuing love
and lift them from the depths of grief
into the peace and light of your presence.
Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
by dying has destroyed our death,
and by rising, restored our life.
Your Holy Spirit, our comforter,
speaks for us in groans too deep for words.
Come alongside Shirley and Josephine. Remind them of your eternal
presence and give them your comfort and strength.
Dear shirley and Josephine,
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray
the day may appear.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may
appear bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye
May the good lord continue to bless you and your family.
Heng Li(liver cancer) and TL Yeap(prostate cancer) are members of our Elpizo cancer support group lead by Shery Lim. May God bless their souls.
ALMIGHTY GOD, we rejoice to know
that your reign extends far beyond the limits of this life.
In the mystery of what lies beyond our sight
we pray that your love may complete its work
in those whose days on earth are done;
and grant that we who serve you now in this world
may at last share with them
the glories of your heavenly kingdom
HEAR US, O merciful Father,
as we remember in love, our brother Heng Li and TL Yeap
whom we have placed in your hands.
Enfold them in the arms of your mercy,
in the blessed rest of everlasting peace
Heng Li and TL, go forth upon your journey from this world,
in the name of God the Father almighty who created you;
in the name of Jesus Christ who suffered death for you:
in the name of the Holy Spirit who strengthens you;
in communion with the blessed Saints,
and all the armies of the heavenly host.
may you be in peace,
Give rest, O Christ, to your servant Heng Li and TL
Where sorrow and pain are no more,
neither sighing, but life everlasting.
Father of all mercies and God of all consolation,.
give courage to Shirley and Josephine in their loss and sorrow.
Be their refuge and strength, O Lord,
reassure them of your continuing love
and lift them from the depths of grief
into the peace and light of your presence.
Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
by dying has destroyed our death,
and by rising, restored our life.
Your Holy Spirit, our comforter,
speaks for us in groans too deep for words.
Come alongside Shirley and Josephine. Remind them of your eternal
presence and give them your comfort and strength.
Dear shirley and Josephine,
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray
the day may appear.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may
appear bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye
May the good lord continue to bless you and your family.
Heng Li(liver cancer) and TL Yeap(prostate cancer) are members of our Elpizo cancer support group lead by Shery Lim. May God bless their souls.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Ruta Graviola and Calcarea phosphate
Dear friends,
Its been a while since I last blog. Life hasn't been easy since Norman's craniotomy on 16th Feb. The recovery was good but there are some slight neurological deficit we have to put up with,mainly speech issues and short term memory loss.
We did a MRI on the 30th march and the report was not favorable.There is a big cyst about 3-4.8cm, lots of necrotic tissues and massive edema. The Dr put him on steriod and epilim for fits again. Sob! This is a real monster we are dealing with! There is no need for chemo untill the next MRI due on the 28th May. The oncologist will review him then.
Norman started the CAAT diet on the 1st April. So far he is keeping closely to the diet plan. In fact the people reviewed his food chart(which I chart everyday and send over to them) and they are very pleased with him. Will be commencing the supplements next week.
We received the ruta graviola and calcarea only yesterday. The herbs cost only USD25but the shipping charges cost USD35.50!! ohmigosh!! Its only 2 very tiny bottles and its not heavy at all! How come it cost so much for shipping? For friends who is not familiar with this herb, graviola is an extract from the sour sop plant. It has been extensively research by Dr Banerji of India and he claim that the success rate for brain tumour is very high.We are willing and desperate to try anything at this junture as we are not keen on chemo anymore.
May God bless and keep you in good health.
Its been a while since I last blog. Life hasn't been easy since Norman's craniotomy on 16th Feb. The recovery was good but there are some slight neurological deficit we have to put up with,mainly speech issues and short term memory loss.
We did a MRI on the 30th march and the report was not favorable.There is a big cyst about 3-4.8cm, lots of necrotic tissues and massive edema. The Dr put him on steriod and epilim for fits again. Sob! This is a real monster we are dealing with! There is no need for chemo untill the next MRI due on the 28th May. The oncologist will review him then.
Norman started the CAAT diet on the 1st April. So far he is keeping closely to the diet plan. In fact the people reviewed his food chart(which I chart everyday and send over to them) and they are very pleased with him. Will be commencing the supplements next week.
We received the ruta graviola and calcarea only yesterday. The herbs cost only USD25but the shipping charges cost USD35.50!! ohmigosh!! Its only 2 very tiny bottles and its not heavy at all! How come it cost so much for shipping? For friends who is not familiar with this herb, graviola is an extract from the sour sop plant. It has been extensively research by Dr Banerji of India and he claim that the success rate for brain tumour is very high.We are willing and desperate to try anything at this junture as we are not keen on chemo anymore.
May God bless and keep you in good health.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Controlled Amino Acid Treatment
Dear friends,
I was recommended this special diet by Mr Looi of Medi food. CAAT stands for controlled amino acid treatment.
CAAT is much more than just a “diet”; it is an amino acid, carbohydrate, & glucose REDUCTION protocol which strategically uses the chemical reactions of amino acids, foods, and nutritional supplements to impair the development of cancer cells, thus starving them to death.) Clinical trials have already been done with humans using amino acid depravation formulas, and with much success.
CAAT is a course of therapy to control a patient’s amino acid intake. This is achieved by taking certain foods out of a persons’ daily food plan for a short time and by replacing them with a scientifically supported formula of amino acids. It is also important to emphasize that the food plan that accompanies the amino acid formula needs to be followed so as not to offset any of the benefits that are created by depriving the cancer cells the nutrients they need to grow. Controlled Amino Acid Therapy inhibit phosphofructokinase which shuts down the energy supply to cancer cells, simultaneously enhancing the benefits of chemotherapy while lessening their toxic side effects. CAAT has also proven to work successfully alone.
Phase 1: CAAT Formulation
The most important component of CAAT is the scientifically formulated amino acids. Based on the specific formula for each cancer, it consists of separate amino acids, citric acid, and small amounts of sodium benzoate. Each formula replaces most of the regular daily proteins found in meats, dairy, fish, beans and nuts, which cancer cells can derive their energy from. The CAAT formula taken two times per day will nourish the healthy cells while causing the cancer cells to starve to death.
Daily Food Intake
The following food program SHOULD NOT be consumed without the amino acid formula and without consent from your doctor and our Institute.
*1/2 Grapefruit or 1-orange or 6-ounces of fresh orange juice.
Whey Enhanced Protein (Vanilla Flavor – Vitamin Shoppe Brand) approximately
10 – 12 grams of protein – read label carefully, based on 150 lb. person ].
A serving of Grits (Butter, cinnamon and other spices are okay).
1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose is sweetener of choice).
* Do Not have ½ grapefruit if taking Chemotherapy
Amino acid formula (4 level plastic scoops) mixed with any of the following: Water & Fructose; Sugar free Kool-Aid; Diet ginger ale; Fresh lemonade & Fructose; Chicken or Beef broth; V8 juice.
Generous amounts of One cooked vegetable or a combination of the following: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, brussell sprouts, spinach, squash, string beans.
One serving (1/2 cup)of fresh fruit. Choice of: pear, orange, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries.
1 serving (moderate) of grits or corn or rice or pasta (Add tomato sauce or butter)
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
8 to 10 black or green olives
2 tablespoons of vinegar (minimum of 5% acidity) add to vegetables or food
1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose as desired)
Amino acid formula (4 plastic level scoops) mixed with any of the following: Water & fructose; Sugar free Kool–Ade; Diet Ginger Ale; Fresh lemonade & Fructose; Chicken or Beef broth; V8 Juice.
Generous amounts of One cooked vegetable or a combination of the following: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, spinach, squash, string beans.
One serving (1/2 cup) of stewed plums with fresh cream & fructose; use 4-ounces of orange juice if plums are not in season.
Avacado salad with lettuce, tomatoes, celery, onions, with lemon juice and coconut oil or olive oil.
2 tablespoons of vinegar (minimum of 5% acidity) add to vegetables or food.
1 serving of grits or corn or pasta or rice (Add garlic and butter or tomato sauce)
1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose as desired)
Phew! I think it will take alot of discipline to keep to this diet. Very western lah!
Will be seeing a nutritionist Dr tomorrow to review if this diet is acceptable. In the mean time Norman is resting well. We dare not see any oncologist untill the next brain scan is due, most probably end of march. Dont want anymore poisonous toxic chemotherapy! We are trying to keep up the good spirit. My sisters said, when fear knocks on the door, send faith to open it.Praise God
I was recommended this special diet by Mr Looi of Medi food. CAAT stands for controlled amino acid treatment.
CAAT is much more than just a “diet”; it is an amino acid, carbohydrate, & glucose REDUCTION protocol which strategically uses the chemical reactions of amino acids, foods, and nutritional supplements to impair the development of cancer cells, thus starving them to death.) Clinical trials have already been done with humans using amino acid depravation formulas, and with much success.
CAAT is a course of therapy to control a patient’s amino acid intake. This is achieved by taking certain foods out of a persons’ daily food plan for a short time and by replacing them with a scientifically supported formula of amino acids. It is also important to emphasize that the food plan that accompanies the amino acid formula needs to be followed so as not to offset any of the benefits that are created by depriving the cancer cells the nutrients they need to grow. Controlled Amino Acid Therapy inhibit phosphofructokinase which shuts down the energy supply to cancer cells, simultaneously enhancing the benefits of chemotherapy while lessening their toxic side effects. CAAT has also proven to work successfully alone.
Phase 1: CAAT Formulation
The most important component of CAAT is the scientifically formulated amino acids. Based on the specific formula for each cancer, it consists of separate amino acids, citric acid, and small amounts of sodium benzoate. Each formula replaces most of the regular daily proteins found in meats, dairy, fish, beans and nuts, which cancer cells can derive their energy from. The CAAT formula taken two times per day will nourish the healthy cells while causing the cancer cells to starve to death.
Daily Food Intake
The following food program SHOULD NOT be consumed without the amino acid formula and without consent from your doctor and our Institute.
*1/2 Grapefruit or 1-orange or 6-ounces of fresh orange juice.
Whey Enhanced Protein (Vanilla Flavor – Vitamin Shoppe Brand) approximately
10 – 12 grams of protein – read label carefully, based on 150 lb. person ].
A serving of Grits (Butter, cinnamon and other spices are okay).
1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose is sweetener of choice).
* Do Not have ½ grapefruit if taking Chemotherapy
Amino acid formula (4 level plastic scoops) mixed with any of the following: Water & Fructose; Sugar free Kool-Aid; Diet ginger ale; Fresh lemonade & Fructose; Chicken or Beef broth; V8 juice.
Generous amounts of One cooked vegetable or a combination of the following: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, brussell sprouts, spinach, squash, string beans.
One serving (1/2 cup)of fresh fruit. Choice of: pear, orange, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries.
1 serving (moderate) of grits or corn or rice or pasta (Add tomato sauce or butter)
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
8 to 10 black or green olives
2 tablespoons of vinegar (minimum of 5% acidity) add to vegetables or food
1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose as desired)
Amino acid formula (4 plastic level scoops) mixed with any of the following: Water & fructose; Sugar free Kool–Ade; Diet Ginger Ale; Fresh lemonade & Fructose; Chicken or Beef broth; V8 Juice.
Generous amounts of One cooked vegetable or a combination of the following: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, spinach, squash, string beans.
One serving (1/2 cup) of stewed plums with fresh cream & fructose; use 4-ounces of orange juice if plums are not in season.
Avacado salad with lettuce, tomatoes, celery, onions, with lemon juice and coconut oil or olive oil.
2 tablespoons of vinegar (minimum of 5% acidity) add to vegetables or food.
1 serving of grits or corn or pasta or rice (Add garlic and butter or tomato sauce)
1 cup of green or black tea (Fructose as desired)
Phew! I think it will take alot of discipline to keep to this diet. Very western lah!
Will be seeing a nutritionist Dr tomorrow to review if this diet is acceptable. In the mean time Norman is resting well. We dare not see any oncologist untill the next brain scan is due, most probably end of march. Dont want anymore poisonous toxic chemotherapy! We are trying to keep up the good spirit. My sisters said, when fear knocks on the door, send faith to open it.Praise God
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
2nd surgery
Dear friends,
On 4th feb, norman's brain scan showed a malingnant tumor measuring 3 x 3.5cm. I was devastated! I feel like I have fallen through a trap door into total darkness and i felt numb to the bones! Nothing felt the same after that bad news. Nothing is the same and nothing will ever be the same. I see the despair in Norman's eyes and I feel so helpless! I do not know, honestly, how I will weather all the grief, the emotional stress and the deep agony in my soul. God have mercy on me! I will breath deeply through every bout of anxiety and fears and pain!
After several visit to several hospital and several doctors, we decided on surgery.
On 16th feb, surgery was done at sunway medical center.5 glaidel wafers was implanted. Norman recovery was excellent. Praise God. The price?? Its too traumatic to tell. Leave it alone ok! We are discharged on the 19th feb.
Below are some pre and post op photos.
Family Support Is Of Utmost Importance
ECG before operation
Tumour mapping on the night before op
In ICU - 6 Hours After operation
Waiting To Remove clips - 8 days post op
On 4th feb, norman's brain scan showed a malingnant tumor measuring 3 x 3.5cm. I was devastated! I feel like I have fallen through a trap door into total darkness and i felt numb to the bones! Nothing felt the same after that bad news. Nothing is the same and nothing will ever be the same. I see the despair in Norman's eyes and I feel so helpless! I do not know, honestly, how I will weather all the grief, the emotional stress and the deep agony in my soul. God have mercy on me! I will breath deeply through every bout of anxiety and fears and pain!
After several visit to several hospital and several doctors, we decided on surgery.
On 16th feb, surgery was done at sunway medical center.5 glaidel wafers was implanted. Norman recovery was excellent. Praise God. The price?? Its too traumatic to tell. Leave it alone ok! We are discharged on the 19th feb.
Below are some pre and post op photos.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Glialdel wafer for glioblastoma
Treatment Options for Glioblastoma Multiforme
The Role of GLIADEL Wafers in Glioblastoma Multiforme
GLIADEL Wafer (polifeprosan 20 with carmustine implant) is a small wafer containing the cytotoxic agent BCNU (carmustine) in a biodegradable polyanhydride copolymer. GLIADEL Wafer is a localized drug delivery system that allows high concentrations of BCNU to be delivered to the tumor cavity, thereby, overcoming the adverse side-effects associated with conventional systemic administration of BCNU.
GLIADEL Wafer is biodegradable, meaning that it dissolves slowly over time and releases high concentrations of BCNU in a sustained fashion over an extended time interval.
The GLIADEL wafers are implanted into the tumor bed following surgical removal of the brain tumor. Up to 8 GLIADEL wafers are implanted into the surgical cavity after the tumor has been removed and, as the wafers dissolve, they release high concentrations of BCNU at the tumor site to destroy residual tumor cells that have not been removed by the surgery. More than 70% of the polyanhydride copolymer degrades by three weeks after implantation although "wafer remnants" can be detected even several months after implantation.
In February 2003, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved GLIADEL Wafer for use in newly diagnosed patients with high-grade malignant gliomas as an adjunct to surgery and radiation therapy. Prior to the FDA approval for use in newly diagnosed patients, GLIADEL Wafer was used only for those patients who suffered recurrence of glioblastoma multiforme and required a second surgery to remove the tumor.
The results of clinical trials have shown that GLIADEL Wafer significantly prolonged survival in both newly diagnosed patients and patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme when used as adjunctive therapy to surgery and/or radiation therapy.
The most common side-effects of GLIADEL Wafer that were observed during clinical trials included:
brain edema
wound healing problems
intracranial infections
The Role of GLIADEL Wafers in Glioblastoma Multiforme
GLIADEL Wafer (polifeprosan 20 with carmustine implant) is a small wafer containing the cytotoxic agent BCNU (carmustine) in a biodegradable polyanhydride copolymer. GLIADEL Wafer is a localized drug delivery system that allows high concentrations of BCNU to be delivered to the tumor cavity, thereby, overcoming the adverse side-effects associated with conventional systemic administration of BCNU.
GLIADEL Wafer is biodegradable, meaning that it dissolves slowly over time and releases high concentrations of BCNU in a sustained fashion over an extended time interval.
The GLIADEL wafers are implanted into the tumor bed following surgical removal of the brain tumor. Up to 8 GLIADEL wafers are implanted into the surgical cavity after the tumor has been removed and, as the wafers dissolve, they release high concentrations of BCNU at the tumor site to destroy residual tumor cells that have not been removed by the surgery. More than 70% of the polyanhydride copolymer degrades by three weeks after implantation although "wafer remnants" can be detected even several months after implantation.
In February 2003, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved GLIADEL Wafer for use in newly diagnosed patients with high-grade malignant gliomas as an adjunct to surgery and radiation therapy. Prior to the FDA approval for use in newly diagnosed patients, GLIADEL Wafer was used only for those patients who suffered recurrence of glioblastoma multiforme and required a second surgery to remove the tumor.
The results of clinical trials have shown that GLIADEL Wafer significantly prolonged survival in both newly diagnosed patients and patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme when used as adjunctive therapy to surgery and/or radiation therapy.
The most common side-effects of GLIADEL Wafer that were observed during clinical trials included:
brain edema
wound healing problems
intracranial infections
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Medical History
14th nov 2007
-Had a seizure of the right face lasting 1-2 mins
-had numbness of the right side
-unable to spell words
-very slow in speech
!6th nov 2007
MRI done. reports show a tumor on the left frontal lobe measuring 4 x 4.5 cm
Diagnosis- glioblastoma multiforme
21st nov2007
craniotomy and excision of tumor done at sunway medical center by Dr Lee Foo Chiang
Biosy report:
The tumor is compose of high grade glial cells exhibitig marked pleormorphism, many tumor giant cells and endocapillary vascular proliferation. Necrosis is seen.
The cells are strongly positive for GFAP and EGFR. MIB-1 activity is seen in about 35% of cells; P-53 mutant protein is seen in more than75% of cells.
17 dec2007-1st feb 2008
30 fractions of radiation therapy completed
march-july 2008
6 cycles of temodar chemo therapy completed
Brain Scan (MRI and MRS)
3rd may 2008- small lesion about 1 x 1.5 cm seen. suggestive of radiation nercrosis
13th sept 2008-lesion now 1.4 x 1.5 x 2.1 cm. still suggestive of necrosis
30th dec 2008- lesion now 2.2 x 2.1 x 3.4 cm. still suggestive of necrosis
3rd feb 2009
Had 2 facial seizure lasting 1-2 min. No loss of consiousness. Admitted to hospital
Put on epillim 200mg 3x/day for fits
Put on steriod 2mg 3x/day for brain edema
4th feb 2009
Brain scan shows enhancing mass of 3 x 3.3cm with cerebal edema. Its a recurrent glioma.It is malignant.
The neurosurgeon suggest craniotomy with insertion of gliadel wafer.
Dear friends, we thank you for your support and prayers at this very trying times. I will update you all on the surgery date. Norman needs to rest more now. Even though depress and worn out, he is putting up a brave front. We will fight this bitter war till the end. God will be with us.
14th nov 2007
-Had a seizure of the right face lasting 1-2 mins
-had numbness of the right side
-unable to spell words
-very slow in speech
!6th nov 2007
MRI done. reports show a tumor on the left frontal lobe measuring 4 x 4.5 cm
Diagnosis- glioblastoma multiforme
21st nov2007
craniotomy and excision of tumor done at sunway medical center by Dr Lee Foo Chiang
Biosy report:
The tumor is compose of high grade glial cells exhibitig marked pleormorphism, many tumor giant cells and endocapillary vascular proliferation. Necrosis is seen.
The cells are strongly positive for GFAP and EGFR. MIB-1 activity is seen in about 35% of cells; P-53 mutant protein is seen in more than75% of cells.
17 dec2007-1st feb 2008
30 fractions of radiation therapy completed
march-july 2008
6 cycles of temodar chemo therapy completed
Brain Scan (MRI and MRS)
3rd may 2008- small lesion about 1 x 1.5 cm seen. suggestive of radiation nercrosis
13th sept 2008-lesion now 1.4 x 1.5 x 2.1 cm. still suggestive of necrosis
30th dec 2008- lesion now 2.2 x 2.1 x 3.4 cm. still suggestive of necrosis
3rd feb 2009
Had 2 facial seizure lasting 1-2 min. No loss of consiousness. Admitted to hospital
Put on epillim 200mg 3x/day for fits
Put on steriod 2mg 3x/day for brain edema
4th feb 2009
Brain scan shows enhancing mass of 3 x 3.3cm with cerebal edema. Its a recurrent glioma.It is malignant.
The neurosurgeon suggest craniotomy with insertion of gliadel wafer.
Dear friends, we thank you for your support and prayers at this very trying times. I will update you all on the surgery date. Norman needs to rest more now. Even though depress and worn out, he is putting up a brave front. We will fight this bitter war till the end. God will be with us.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Brain edema
On the 3oth Dec 2007 Norman had a brain scan done at HUKM. The report was bad. The previously seen enhancing lesion in the left parietal lobe measure 2.2cm x 2.1cm x 3.4cm(previously 1.4 x 1.5 x 2.1) showing significant increase in size. The edema has also worsen compare to the previous scan on 13th sept 2007.However the report says that there is no evidence of tumor recurrence. This could represent just an enlarging area of radiation necrosis. We consulted both doctors, Dr Lee Foo Chieng(neuro surgeon) and Dr Foo Yoke Ching(oncologist). We were told to repeat another scan after cny. Then only we will decide on the next step of treatment. However the brain edema was causing speech problems and norman need to take steriods.
Brain Edema
Brain edema (swelling) is a common occurrence in brain tumor patients. The swelling is caused by the accumulation of fluids in the tissue around the tumor. This exerts pressure on the brain that can lead to additional symptoms including headaches, seizures, and focal neurological deficits. Brain edema may initially be due to the tumor itself or it may occur as a result of treatment (craniotomy or radiation therapy).
The first-line treatment for brain edema is the administration of steroids. The most commonly used steroids for brain edema are prednisone and dexamethasone (Decadron). Patients who are given steroids must be carefully monitored for side-effects which may include:
weight gain
upset stomach
muscle weakness
increased susceptibility to infections
mood swings
increased blood sugar levels - particularly dangerous in diabetics
So far, Norman did put on some weight(from gorging on new year goodies!), feels bloated all the time and worse of all,gets irritated easily(mood swings). Sob!
Brain Edema
Brain edema (swelling) is a common occurrence in brain tumor patients. The swelling is caused by the accumulation of fluids in the tissue around the tumor. This exerts pressure on the brain that can lead to additional symptoms including headaches, seizures, and focal neurological deficits. Brain edema may initially be due to the tumor itself or it may occur as a result of treatment (craniotomy or radiation therapy).
The first-line treatment for brain edema is the administration of steroids. The most commonly used steroids for brain edema are prednisone and dexamethasone (Decadron). Patients who are given steroids must be carefully monitored for side-effects which may include:
weight gain
upset stomach
muscle weakness
increased susceptibility to infections
mood swings
increased blood sugar levels - particularly dangerous in diabetics
So far, Norman did put on some weight(from gorging on new year goodies!), feels bloated all the time and worse of all,gets irritated easily(mood swings). Sob!
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