10 Foods You Don't Have to Buy Organic
These Fruits and Vegetables Don't Hold on to So Many Pesticides, So You Can Save Your Organic Dollars for the Ones That Do.
Asparagus face fewer threats from pests such as insects or disease, so fewer pesticides need to be used.
Choose: Look for firm spears with bright green or purplish compact tips. Plan on a 1/2 pound per person, and for more uniform cooking, select spears of a similar thickness. Store in the refrigerator vegetable crisper and give them a good rinse before using (even if you're going to boil them).
Avocados have thick skins that protect the fruit from pesticide build-up.
Choose: Look for avocados that are still somewhat unripe and firm to the squeeze; they'll ripen nicely on your kitchen counter in a couple of days. Store at room temperature. Although you'll be using only the meat of the avocado, it's always a good idea to rinse them before you slice them open.
Pesticide residue remains on the banana peel, which isn't eaten.
Choose: There are basically 3 stages to a ripening banana. You'll want to choose them according to how you're going to use them. Chosen green, where the peel is pale yellow and the tips are green, their taste will be somewhat tart. These work best for frying or baking in a pie. Chosen at their next stage of ripeness, where the peel is mostly all yellow, the pulp will still be firm but their starch content will have started to turn to sugar. These also work well in pies and tarts. In the last stage of ripeness, the skins will show signs of brown spots with the peel a deeper yellow color. This is when they're sweetest and work well mashed and added to baked goods like banana bread recipes. Store at room temperature. If they're unripe, you can place them in a brown paper bag to ripen. Give the bananas a quick rinse and dry before you peel them.
Conventional broccoli doesn't retain so many pesticides because the crop faces fewer pest threats, which means less spraying.
Choose: Look for tightly bunched flower buds on the broccoli stalks that are immature. In other words, try not to buy them if their little yellow flowers have opened. Color-wise, the broccoli should be deep green and the stalks should be firm and not rubbery. Before use, wash in a cool water bath and change the water a couple of times in the process. Store in the refrigerator crisper.
Cabbage doesn't hold on to so many pesticides because a ton of spraying isn't required to grow it.
Choose: Look for cabbage heads whose leaves are tight and be sure the head is heavy for its type, and firm. For most cabbage varieties, you'll want to make sure the outer leaves are shiny and crisp. Savoy is the exception to this rule, as it forms a looser head and the leaves grow crinkly naturally. You'll want to avoid any with leaves that show signs of yellowing. Bok choy should have deep green leaves with their stems a crisp-looking white. Discard the outer leaves of a cabbage before using. You can wash and spin most cabbage leaves just like you do salad greens. Store in the refrigerator crisper.
Kiwi Fruit
Kiwi peel provides a barrier from pesticides. Give them a rinse before cutting.
Choose: Here's where your nose plays an important part when choosing fresh fruit. Sniff out kiwis that smell good. They should be plump and yield to a squeeze like that of a ripe pear. Steer clear from those with moist areas on their surface or any skin bruising. If unripe kiwi are all that are available, simply take them home and place them in a paper bag at room temperature with other fruits that need more time, such as bananas or pears. Store in the refrigerator crisper.
Sweet mango flesh is protected by its thick skin from pesticides. Still, you'll want to rinse under water before cutting open.
Choose: Depending on the variety of melon, look for those that are bright in color such as red, yellow, or orange. It should have a distinctive "fruity" smell. If there's no ripe-fruit aroma, steer clear. Mangoes should be slightly firm but yield to your touch somewhat -- the softer the mango, usually the sweeter it is. If the mango is too soft, there's a good chance that it will be rotten inside. Store in the refrigerator crisper.
Onions don't see as many pest threats, which means less pesticide spraying.
Choose: Look for onions that are firm, have a distinctive "oniony" smell that's not overpowering, and show no visible signs of damage or soft spots. Store in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator.
Pesticide residue stays on papaya skin, but be sure to give them a wash before slicing open.
Choose: Papaya colors usually range between yellow and green. Look for those that are slightly soft and show no signs of bruising or appear shriveled. If they're not fully ripened, you can toss them in the brown bag along with your unripened kiwi fruit, peaches, and pears. Once they're ripened, store in the refrigerator crisper.
You won't be eating the tough pineapple skin, which protects the fruit from pesticide residue. As with all your produce, you should rinse the pineapple before cutting.
Choose: Although tempting, this is one fruit that you won't want to choose if it has a strong, sweet smell. This usually means that the pineapple is overripe and has even begun to ferment. Like all other fruits, avoid any that have soft spots, and in the case of pineapples, damage to the rind. Store in the refrigerator crisper.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
excessive exercise produces free radicals
Free radicals are reactive oxygen molecules that have lost an electron in interactions with other molecules. As a result, these molecules are extremely unstable and they race around stealing electrons from other molecules creating more free radicals in the process, damaging cell components. The body produces several free radical quenching enzymes as its first line of defense. They are superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. Additionally the body uses antioxidant vitamins, minerals and substances found in food to counteract free radicals. Free radicals overtax the immune system and keep it so busy fighting the breakdown of the body's own cells that it cannot fight off viruses, microbes, and infections that attack it from without.
The brain is susceptible to free radical damage due to the high content of polyunsaturated fats and high mitochondrial content. Levels of vitamin C in the brain are 50 times higher than elsewhere in the body to protect brain tissue and neurotransmitters from oxidation. The free radical damage to proteins in neurons reduces their efficiency. Raising antioxidant levels not only allows damaged proteins to repair, but increases neurotransmitter levels as well. To protect the brain from free radical damage during the heightened nerve flow we need to take hydrophobic (water repelling) antioxidants like pine bark, vitamin C-Ester and alpha lipoic acid, as the blood brain barrier is impervious to hydrophilic (water loving) substances. We must aim to get more antioxidant protection into the cerebrospinal fluid.
One of the best ways we can counter and overcome the stress in our lives is through regular exercise. However not all exercise is good for fighting the free radical war. In fact excessive exercise for which the body is not prepared for can actually cause extensive oxidative damage. Free radical production goes up during exhausting, high intensity workouts and such free radical activity is associated with oxidative damage in the muscles, liver, blood and other tissues. Hence at the heaviest training levels there is increased susceptibility to cancer, heart attacks, cataracts, premature aging and decreased immunity. Some of the reasons why there is increased free radical damage during exercise are: the consumption of oxygen goes up 10-20 times, there is an increased output of Superoxide radicals by mitochondria, there is oxygen deprivation from the increased demand by tissues and the bodies antioxidant defenses are over burdened. There is an increase in free radical production in both excess oxygen and lack of oxygen conditions.
Regular lower intensity exercise minimizes the production of free radicals while strengthening the indigenous antioxidants and enzymes. Without regular exercise the body's internal defenses against free radicals (SOD, GSH, Catalase) may become too fragile for the antioxidants in our food and supplements to have their full affect. Sedentary people are twice as likely to get cancer and heart disease as active individuals. Trained muscles are resistant to oxidative damage because of the increased supply of the bodies own antioxidants. Regular training prepares the bodymind to better handle unexpected physical and emotional stresses and strains. That is exercise builds up our resistance to free radical damage from all stressors. Fast walking at the pace of 12-15 minutes per mile is ideal for returning optimum endurance benefits, without creating excess free radicals and damaging tissues. Fast walking can be as effective as jogging without the risk of injury. To strengthen our endogenous free radical defenses we need to do at least 30 continuous minutes of brisk walking three times a week. Besides this we also need to do some weight bearing strengthening exercise and some stretching as well. By maintaining strength and subtly we prevent the aches, pains and free radicals that come from physical stress to an unconditioned body.
Norman now exercise at a moderate level compares to his pre tumour days when he exercise 7 days a week! His brain scan on 13th september 2008 still shows a dead necrotic tumour which has increased slightly in size. It could still increase in size for the next 1 to 2 years due to radiation side effects. He is taking turmeric ginger juice every morning to help shrink the tumour.
The brain is susceptible to free radical damage due to the high content of polyunsaturated fats and high mitochondrial content. Levels of vitamin C in the brain are 50 times higher than elsewhere in the body to protect brain tissue and neurotransmitters from oxidation. The free radical damage to proteins in neurons reduces their efficiency. Raising antioxidant levels not only allows damaged proteins to repair, but increases neurotransmitter levels as well. To protect the brain from free radical damage during the heightened nerve flow we need to take hydrophobic (water repelling) antioxidants like pine bark, vitamin C-Ester and alpha lipoic acid, as the blood brain barrier is impervious to hydrophilic (water loving) substances. We must aim to get more antioxidant protection into the cerebrospinal fluid.
One of the best ways we can counter and overcome the stress in our lives is through regular exercise. However not all exercise is good for fighting the free radical war. In fact excessive exercise for which the body is not prepared for can actually cause extensive oxidative damage. Free radical production goes up during exhausting, high intensity workouts and such free radical activity is associated with oxidative damage in the muscles, liver, blood and other tissues. Hence at the heaviest training levels there is increased susceptibility to cancer, heart attacks, cataracts, premature aging and decreased immunity. Some of the reasons why there is increased free radical damage during exercise are: the consumption of oxygen goes up 10-20 times, there is an increased output of Superoxide radicals by mitochondria, there is oxygen deprivation from the increased demand by tissues and the bodies antioxidant defenses are over burdened. There is an increase in free radical production in both excess oxygen and lack of oxygen conditions.
Regular lower intensity exercise minimizes the production of free radicals while strengthening the indigenous antioxidants and enzymes. Without regular exercise the body's internal defenses against free radicals (SOD, GSH, Catalase) may become too fragile for the antioxidants in our food and supplements to have their full affect. Sedentary people are twice as likely to get cancer and heart disease as active individuals. Trained muscles are resistant to oxidative damage because of the increased supply of the bodies own antioxidants. Regular training prepares the bodymind to better handle unexpected physical and emotional stresses and strains. That is exercise builds up our resistance to free radical damage from all stressors. Fast walking at the pace of 12-15 minutes per mile is ideal for returning optimum endurance benefits, without creating excess free radicals and damaging tissues. Fast walking can be as effective as jogging without the risk of injury. To strengthen our endogenous free radical defenses we need to do at least 30 continuous minutes of brisk walking three times a week. Besides this we also need to do some weight bearing strengthening exercise and some stretching as well. By maintaining strength and subtly we prevent the aches, pains and free radicals that come from physical stress to an unconditioned body.
Norman now exercise at a moderate level compares to his pre tumour days when he exercise 7 days a week! His brain scan on 13th september 2008 still shows a dead necrotic tumour which has increased slightly in size. It could still increase in size for the next 1 to 2 years due to radiation side effects. He is taking turmeric ginger juice every morning to help shrink the tumour.
The Healing Power of a Wholesome Diet for Brain Tumor Patients
By Jeanne M. Wallace, PhD, CNC
What can a healthy diet accomplish?
Brain tumors are a formidable foe, and many of us view our fight against them as a war,harnessing powerful treatments like surgery, radiation and chemotherapy as the linchpin of our plan of attack. How then can “wimpy” fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other healthy foods have any effect against this dreaded enemy? While wholesome foods and nutrients are not a cure for brain cancer, they can provide an important complementary strategy to help bolster the body’s regulatory “controls” against cancer. A healthy diet is one of the best ways to boost your immune system and complement your radiation and/or chemotherapy treatments…and there are several other ways good nutrition can help.
Phytonutrients: Our Cancer “Phyters”
The anti-cancer benefits of diets rich in fruits and vegetables have long been attributed to their high vitamin, mineral and fiber content. More recently, however, researchers have discovered that fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and kitchen spices contain thousands of other health-promoting compounds, collectively known as phytonutrients. Many phytonutrients appear to have significant cancer fighting properties.
Phytonutrients in many common foods have been shown to promote the death of brain tumor cells in cell culture studies. Among these are:
elemene (found in ginger)
tangeretin and limonene (in citrus peel),
catechins (in green tea)
anthocyanins (in blueberries and chokecherries).
Genistein (in soy)
Perhaps most compelling are new studies that demonstrate phytonutrients have the remarkable capacity to talk directly to and influence our genes. A growing
body of research on phytonutrients shows they can inhibit oncogenes (tumor-promoting genes) and increase the expression of tumor suppressor genes.
In addition, food-based phytonutrients are the richest source of antioxidants - far more potent than vitamin pills! The antioxidant capacity for vitamin E (one 400iu capsule) has been measured as 125 ORAC units, but it’s over 1,000 units per serving for blueberries, cinnamon, pomegranate juice, figs, prunes, raspberries, green tea, strawberries, spinach and kale. Food-based antioxidants are important for promoting gene stability and preventing mutations to the DNA of cancer cells that may lead to more aggressive behavior of tumors and/or resistance to Chemotherapy.
By Jeanne M. Wallace, PhD, CNC
What can a healthy diet accomplish?
Brain tumors are a formidable foe, and many of us view our fight against them as a war,harnessing powerful treatments like surgery, radiation and chemotherapy as the linchpin of our plan of attack. How then can “wimpy” fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other healthy foods have any effect against this dreaded enemy? While wholesome foods and nutrients are not a cure for brain cancer, they can provide an important complementary strategy to help bolster the body’s regulatory “controls” against cancer. A healthy diet is one of the best ways to boost your immune system and complement your radiation and/or chemotherapy treatments…and there are several other ways good nutrition can help.
Phytonutrients: Our Cancer “Phyters”
The anti-cancer benefits of diets rich in fruits and vegetables have long been attributed to their high vitamin, mineral and fiber content. More recently, however, researchers have discovered that fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and kitchen spices contain thousands of other health-promoting compounds, collectively known as phytonutrients. Many phytonutrients appear to have significant cancer fighting properties.
Phytonutrients in many common foods have been shown to promote the death of brain tumor cells in cell culture studies. Among these are:
elemene (found in ginger)
tangeretin and limonene (in citrus peel),
catechins (in green tea)
anthocyanins (in blueberries and chokecherries).
Genistein (in soy)
Perhaps most compelling are new studies that demonstrate phytonutrients have the remarkable capacity to talk directly to and influence our genes. A growing
body of research on phytonutrients shows they can inhibit oncogenes (tumor-promoting genes) and increase the expression of tumor suppressor genes.
In addition, food-based phytonutrients are the richest source of antioxidants - far more potent than vitamin pills! The antioxidant capacity for vitamin E (one 400iu capsule) has been measured as 125 ORAC units, but it’s over 1,000 units per serving for blueberries, cinnamon, pomegranate juice, figs, prunes, raspberries, green tea, strawberries, spinach and kale. Food-based antioxidants are important for promoting gene stability and preventing mutations to the DNA of cancer cells that may lead to more aggressive behavior of tumors and/or resistance to Chemotherapy.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Brain tumor vaccine
Hope for new brain tumour vaccine
One in four brain tumours are glioblastoma multiformes
A vaccine has been developed which may be able to fight the most aggressive form of brain tumour, scientists say.
US researchers say their vaccine increased survival times for the 23 glioblastoma multiforme patients they tested it on by at least 18 months.
Only four patients went on to die from the cancer, the study to be presented at a meeting of experts in the US said.
A larger trial of the jab, which works by targeting a protein thought to drive the tumour's spread, is now planned. It uses an artificial form of the protein, which is found on the outside of 30-50% of tumours, to alert the immune system to its presence and attack it.
The brain is tricked into thinking the protein, known as EGFRvIII, is foreign, and fighter cells in the immune system are sent in.
Amy Heimberger, assistant professor of neurosurgery at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, said the vaccine was an easy-to-use "off-the-shelf" treatment that could potentially help half of all patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM).
She said results from the trial showed the vaccine significantly delays the progression of tumours until the cancer finds a new way to grow.
Survival times
But when tumours did grow again they did not display the EGFRvIII protein which led researchers to conclude that the vaccine had worked.
Professor Heimberger said: "This is a proof of concept, and optimal use of the vaccine may be with chemotherapy to further retard progression.
"Still, this is exciting because people have been trying to use immunotherapy against gliomas for a long time."
She also said that the median survival times were five months longer than those for GBM patients treated with the most up-to-date combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Patients with this type of tumour left untreated tend only to survive for four months.
GBMs affected adults between 40 and 60-years-old and represent about a quarter of brain tumours.
One in four brain tumours are glioblastoma multiformes
A vaccine has been developed which may be able to fight the most aggressive form of brain tumour, scientists say.
US researchers say their vaccine increased survival times for the 23 glioblastoma multiforme patients they tested it on by at least 18 months.
Only four patients went on to die from the cancer, the study to be presented at a meeting of experts in the US said.
A larger trial of the jab, which works by targeting a protein thought to drive the tumour's spread, is now planned. It uses an artificial form of the protein, which is found on the outside of 30-50% of tumours, to alert the immune system to its presence and attack it.
The brain is tricked into thinking the protein, known as EGFRvIII, is foreign, and fighter cells in the immune system are sent in.
Amy Heimberger, assistant professor of neurosurgery at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, said the vaccine was an easy-to-use "off-the-shelf" treatment that could potentially help half of all patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM).
She said results from the trial showed the vaccine significantly delays the progression of tumours until the cancer finds a new way to grow.
Survival times
But when tumours did grow again they did not display the EGFRvIII protein which led researchers to conclude that the vaccine had worked.
Professor Heimberger said: "This is a proof of concept, and optimal use of the vaccine may be with chemotherapy to further retard progression.
"Still, this is exciting because people have been trying to use immunotherapy against gliomas for a long time."
She also said that the median survival times were five months longer than those for GBM patients treated with the most up-to-date combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Patients with this type of tumour left untreated tend only to survive for four months.
GBMs affected adults between 40 and 60-years-old and represent about a quarter of brain tumours.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Miracle soup for cancer
Dear friends,
Would like to share this super food formula with you.I have tried it for Norman and it taste ok. Hope u can try it too.
by Tateishi Kazu
When cancer strikes a family, what course of action should one take? Dr. Tateishi Kazu’s father and brother both died of cancer. And then he found himself suffering from cancer of the duodenum and spreading. His stomach was removed, but the cancer cells had spread to his lungs. He resolved to fight for his life. He researched, studied and tested over 1,500 types of herbs and plants. Eventually he discovered the right combination of ingredients and formulated a unique healing vegetable soup and brown rice tea with its own molecular powers. The vegetables are rich in green chlorophyll, amino acids, iron, phosphorous, calcium, all in a natural form.
He based his soup on the principles of Five Elements theory, the harmonizing balance of the forces of yin and yang, acid and alkaline, that engenders health as opposed to the imbalance, which leads to disease. The five elements in our environment are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Because of the balance of the five elements, the earth is able to produce life. Dr. Tataishi Kazu used the essence of the five elements. Each essence possesses its own color: green, red, yellow, white and black. These relate to the corresponding internal organs: heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidneys. He used the concept of the five different colors as matched to specific vegetables:
Green=Daikon Radish Leaves
Yellow=Burdock Root
White=Daikon Radish
Black=Shittake Mushrooms
This is a remedy for all age groups. When the soup is ingested, it produces thirty different elements for fighting disease. Within three days, it can stop the growth of cancer cells. Even for some last-stage cancer patients, it can lead to 100% remission. Patients who have subsisted on feeding tubes for nourishment, when given the soup, after two days regained their strength. Over 10,000 last-stage cancer patients have used this remedy. 99% are alive and were able to return to work.
What This Remedy May Do:
1. Heal Cancer
2 Restore injured joints and bone structure
3. Slow down the aging process
4. Rejuvenate the skin
5. Heal Cataracts
6. Heal liver disorders
7. Lower high blood pressure
8. Improve heart conditions
9. Reduce brain tumors and other head-injury problems
10 Reduce high white blood cell counts
11. Improve T-cell function
Vegetable Soup Recipe
(2 day’s quantity)
16 ounces white daikon
8-10 ounces white daikon greens
8-10 ounces carrot
8 ounces burdock root
3-5 fresh shitake mushrooms (sundried)
If not sundried, expose dried mushrooms to sun again.
Don’t peel anything! Don’t add any seasoning!
Fill a pot with 14 cups of water. When it comes to a boil, reduce the flame and simmer for two hours. Strain and drink.
Would like to share this super food formula with you.I have tried it for Norman and it taste ok. Hope u can try it too.
by Tateishi Kazu
When cancer strikes a family, what course of action should one take? Dr. Tateishi Kazu’s father and brother both died of cancer. And then he found himself suffering from cancer of the duodenum and spreading. His stomach was removed, but the cancer cells had spread to his lungs. He resolved to fight for his life. He researched, studied and tested over 1,500 types of herbs and plants. Eventually he discovered the right combination of ingredients and formulated a unique healing vegetable soup and brown rice tea with its own molecular powers. The vegetables are rich in green chlorophyll, amino acids, iron, phosphorous, calcium, all in a natural form.
He based his soup on the principles of Five Elements theory, the harmonizing balance of the forces of yin and yang, acid and alkaline, that engenders health as opposed to the imbalance, which leads to disease. The five elements in our environment are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Because of the balance of the five elements, the earth is able to produce life. Dr. Tataishi Kazu used the essence of the five elements. Each essence possesses its own color: green, red, yellow, white and black. These relate to the corresponding internal organs: heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidneys. He used the concept of the five different colors as matched to specific vegetables:
Green=Daikon Radish Leaves
Yellow=Burdock Root
White=Daikon Radish
Black=Shittake Mushrooms
This is a remedy for all age groups. When the soup is ingested, it produces thirty different elements for fighting disease. Within three days, it can stop the growth of cancer cells. Even for some last-stage cancer patients, it can lead to 100% remission. Patients who have subsisted on feeding tubes for nourishment, when given the soup, after two days regained their strength. Over 10,000 last-stage cancer patients have used this remedy. 99% are alive and were able to return to work.
What This Remedy May Do:
1. Heal Cancer
2 Restore injured joints and bone structure
3. Slow down the aging process
4. Rejuvenate the skin
5. Heal Cataracts
6. Heal liver disorders
7. Lower high blood pressure
8. Improve heart conditions
9. Reduce brain tumors and other head-injury problems
10 Reduce high white blood cell counts
11. Improve T-cell function
Vegetable Soup Recipe
(2 day’s quantity)
16 ounces white daikon
8-10 ounces white daikon greens
8-10 ounces carrot
8 ounces burdock root
3-5 fresh shitake mushrooms (sundried)
If not sundried, expose dried mushrooms to sun again.
Don’t peel anything! Don’t add any seasoning!
Fill a pot with 14 cups of water. When it comes to a boil, reduce the flame and simmer for two hours. Strain and drink.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Magnectic Resonance Spectroscopy
What is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and MRS?
MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a means of “seeing” inside of the body in order for doctors to find certain diseases or abnormal conditions. MRI does not rely on the type of radiation (i.e., ionizing radiation) used for an x-ray or computed tomography (CT) scan. The MRI examination requires specialized equipment that uses a powerful, constant magnetic field, rapidly changing local magnetic fields, radiofrequency energy, and dedicated equipment including a powerful computer to create very clear pictures of internal body structures.
During the MRI examination, Norman is placed within the MR system or “scanner”. The powerful, constant magnetic field aligns a tiny fraction of subatomic particles called protons that are present in most of the body's tissues. Radiofrequency energy is applied to cause these protons to produce signals that are picked up by a receiver within the scanner. The signals are specially characterized using the rapidly changing, local magnetic field and computer-processed to produce images of the body part of interest.
MR spectroscopy is used to characterize biochemical components of normal and abnormal brain tissue. MRS complements MRI as a non-invasive means for the characterization of tissue. The most widely used clinical application of MRS has been in the evaluation of central nervous system disorders. MRS has its limitations and is not always specific but, with good technique and in combination with clinical information and conventional MRI, can be very helpful in diagnosing certain entities. MRS may also be helpful in the differentiation of high grade from low grade brain tumors, and perhaps in separating recurrent brain neoplasm from radiation injury.
On the 3rd May 2008, Norman had his 2nd MRI and MRS done at Wijaya Medical center in PJ. The result shows necrotic brain tissues. It was indeed good news for us. There are 2 rounded heterogeneously enhancing lesions in the left frontal lobe measuring about 1.0x1.5cm and 0.6x0.5cm. There was still some edema seen.
Norman finished his 4th cycle of Temodar chemotherapy on the 22nd May. He experience the usual side effects of gastric bloatedness, loss of appetite and lethargy. However he still manage a full round of 18 hole at the golf course!! 3 cheers! Golf power wins!! Another 2 more cycles of temodar in June and July and that’s the end of chemotherapy(I pray he doesn’t need any more of this toxic poison anymore).
MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a means of “seeing” inside of the body in order for doctors to find certain diseases or abnormal conditions. MRI does not rely on the type of radiation (i.e., ionizing radiation) used for an x-ray or computed tomography (CT) scan. The MRI examination requires specialized equipment that uses a powerful, constant magnetic field, rapidly changing local magnetic fields, radiofrequency energy, and dedicated equipment including a powerful computer to create very clear pictures of internal body structures.
During the MRI examination, Norman is placed within the MR system or “scanner”. The powerful, constant magnetic field aligns a tiny fraction of subatomic particles called protons that are present in most of the body's tissues. Radiofrequency energy is applied to cause these protons to produce signals that are picked up by a receiver within the scanner. The signals are specially characterized using the rapidly changing, local magnetic field and computer-processed to produce images of the body part of interest.
MR spectroscopy is used to characterize biochemical components of normal and abnormal brain tissue. MRS complements MRI as a non-invasive means for the characterization of tissue. The most widely used clinical application of MRS has been in the evaluation of central nervous system disorders. MRS has its limitations and is not always specific but, with good technique and in combination with clinical information and conventional MRI, can be very helpful in diagnosing certain entities. MRS may also be helpful in the differentiation of high grade from low grade brain tumors, and perhaps in separating recurrent brain neoplasm from radiation injury.
On the 3rd May 2008, Norman had his 2nd MRI and MRS done at Wijaya Medical center in PJ. The result shows necrotic brain tissues. It was indeed good news for us. There are 2 rounded heterogeneously enhancing lesions in the left frontal lobe measuring about 1.0x1.5cm and 0.6x0.5cm. There was still some edema seen.
Norman finished his 4th cycle of Temodar chemotherapy on the 22nd May. He experience the usual side effects of gastric bloatedness, loss of appetite and lethargy. However he still manage a full round of 18 hole at the golf course!! 3 cheers! Golf power wins!! Another 2 more cycles of temodar in June and July and that’s the end of chemotherapy(I pray he doesn’t need any more of this toxic poison anymore).
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Baptism Day
Easter is the festival commemorating the resurrection of christ. Christian celebrate this day in observance of their believe that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. This year easter falls on the 23rd of march. It is a very special day for the whole family as Norman was baptized on this meaningful day. Praise the Lord!
Quote:Revelation3:20 Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will share a meal together as friends.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Brain Necrosis
Brain Necrosis
Radiation is a powerful weapon against cancer cells, but sometimes it kills healthy brain tissue as well, resulting in a severe side effect called radiation necrosis. Necrosis can cause headaches, seizures, or even death.
Radiation necrosis is a focal structural lesion that usually occurs at the original tumor site. It is a potential long-term central nervous system complication of radiotherapy.
Regular follow-up treatment is extremely important after treatment for a brain tumor. Besides regular physical and neurological exams, Norman need periodic magnetic resonance (MRI)or computed tomography (CT)and regular blood test.
On March 1st, Norman had his 1st MRI check up. There was a lesion measuring 1.9cm by 1.2 cm seen on the x-ray. I was instantly petrified! It could be reoccurrence of the glioblastoma or brain necrotic cells! There was a moderately big patch of Oedema (Water) around the tumor site also.
On 6th march, we saw Dr Lee F.C. at Sunway Hospital. He said it was a residual tumor! As t is impossible to remove 100% of the tumor due to its infiltrative character, there is bound to be some tumor left in the brain. We breath a big sigh of relieve! The odema was also due to the Radiation. Norman now needs to go back on steroids, dexamethazone 2mg twice daily for 2 weeks.
For the past few weeks, Norman have been complaining that he feels cold most of the time esp in an air con room. His pulse rate is exceptionally low at about 50 beats per minute! Inactive thyroid? Well, to be on the safe side, he is put on thyroxine to activate his thyroid for 2 weeks. I really hate this chain of medication that he has to swallow daily.
Norman’s 2nd cycle of chemo starts on the 19th of march. The routine round of blood test will be done first to check his lymphocyte and platelets level. Poor Norman! Sob!
The next MRI will be about 3 months time. If the lesion increases in size, an MRS will need to be done. Will tell you all about MRS later.
Quote: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;your rod and staff, they comfort me. Psalm23:4
Radiation is a powerful weapon against cancer cells, but sometimes it kills healthy brain tissue as well, resulting in a severe side effect called radiation necrosis. Necrosis can cause headaches, seizures, or even death.
Radiation necrosis is a focal structural lesion that usually occurs at the original tumor site. It is a potential long-term central nervous system complication of radiotherapy.
Regular follow-up treatment is extremely important after treatment for a brain tumor. Besides regular physical and neurological exams, Norman need periodic magnetic resonance (MRI)or computed tomography (CT)and regular blood test.
On March 1st, Norman had his 1st MRI check up. There was a lesion measuring 1.9cm by 1.2 cm seen on the x-ray. I was instantly petrified! It could be reoccurrence of the glioblastoma or brain necrotic cells! There was a moderately big patch of Oedema (Water) around the tumor site also.
On 6th march, we saw Dr Lee F.C. at Sunway Hospital. He said it was a residual tumor! As t is impossible to remove 100% of the tumor due to its infiltrative character, there is bound to be some tumor left in the brain. We breath a big sigh of relieve! The odema was also due to the Radiation. Norman now needs to go back on steroids, dexamethazone 2mg twice daily for 2 weeks.
For the past few weeks, Norman have been complaining that he feels cold most of the time esp in an air con room. His pulse rate is exceptionally low at about 50 beats per minute! Inactive thyroid? Well, to be on the safe side, he is put on thyroxine to activate his thyroid for 2 weeks. I really hate this chain of medication that he has to swallow daily.
Norman’s 2nd cycle of chemo starts on the 19th of march. The routine round of blood test will be done first to check his lymphocyte and platelets level. Poor Norman! Sob!
The next MRI will be about 3 months time. If the lesion increases in size, an MRS will need to be done. Will tell you all about MRS later.
Quote: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;your rod and staff, they comfort me. Psalm23:4
Saturday, February 2, 2008
A Birthday Celebration
To all our trekkers friends,
Thank you so much for celebrating Norman's birthday with us on the 20th january. This year is indeed special as it is his 51st birthday. The journey of life is now extra tough for us as we face the unknown future. But with good friends like you all, it will make our journey happier as we share time together. Knowing that we have such supportive friends empowers us to be stronger mentally and emotionally. Thank you.

Quote: It is not so much our friend's help that helps us as the knowledge that they will help us.
Thank you so much for celebrating Norman's birthday with us on the 20th january. This year is indeed special as it is his 51st birthday. The journey of life is now extra tough for us as we face the unknown future. But with good friends like you all, it will make our journey happier as we share time together. Knowing that we have such supportive friends empowers us to be stronger mentally and emotionally. Thank you.
Quote: It is not so much our friend's help that helps us as the knowledge that they will help us.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Completion of radiotherapy

Yippy!! Finally norman’s radiation therapy is completed. All 30 fractions of this damn rays bombarding into his brain and making him look like an uneven kojak!! What’s next? Well, we will have an MRI on the 3rd March to check on the effects of the radiation. Adjuvant chemo (Temodar 250mg for 5 days per month) will begins on 26th February. A blood test need to be done to determine if his body is fit enough for chemo.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Glioblastoma Multiforme
Dear friends,
Below is a write up of different types of brain tumors. I find it very educational and would like to share it with you all.
Astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas are the most common primary tumors of the adult brain. Both tumors are types of gliomas. Primary brain tumors arise from cells of the brain itself rather than traveling, or metastasizing, to the brain from another location in the body. Gliomas can be slowly growing (low-grade, grades 1 and 2), or rapidly growing (high-grade, grades 3 and 4). This material will give important facts about the diagnosis and treatment of high-grade gliomas.
High-grade gliomas are diagnosed by a biopsy
Once a brain tumor is detected on a CT or MRI scan, a neurosurgeon obtains tumor tissue for examination by a neuropathologist (a biopsy). The neuropathologist then gives the tumor a name and grade. The exact name and grade of the tumor determine treatment options, and also give important information about prognosis.
When neuropathologists analyze tumor tissue under a microscope, there are two main questions being asked:
-first, what type of brain cell did the tumor arise from? The answer to this question gives the tumor a name, for example, astrocytoma.
-second, do the tumor cells show signs of rapid growth? This involves assigning the tumor a grade, such as grade 3 or 4 (see below).
These two pieces of information are then combined, as in "grade 4 astrocytoma". Once a tumor has been given a name and a grade, brain tumor specialists can give advice about treatment choices, prognosis, and provide useful health-care information to brain tumor patients and their families.
Tumor name: from what type of brain cell did the tumor arise?
Astrocytomas arise from brain cells called astrocytes. Normal astrocytes are star-shaped cells that give the brain its shape. Astrocytes are the most common cell type to become tumors. Oligodendrocytes are brain cells that provide insulation around the electrically-active neurons. Tumors of oligodendrocytes are less common than astrocytomas. Many tumors contain a mixture of astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma cells. Tumors of other cell types in the brain are less common. For instance, tumors of neurons are very rare in adults.
Tumor grade: how aggressive does the tumor appear under the microscope?
Astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas come in four grades, with grade 1 being the most benign and grade 4 being the most malignant. The neuropathologist looks at the brain tumor tissue under the microscope for signs that the tumor is growing rapidly. Examples of these features include cells undergoing division (mitosis), the presence of newly-formed blood vessels, and evidence that the tumor is outgrowing its blood supply (necrosis). The more features that are present, the higher the grade assigned to the tumor.
Gliomas have more than one name in everyday usage. The Table gives the common names of high-grade gliomas:
Synonyms for high-grade Gliomas
Anaplastic astrocytoma = grade 3 astrocytoma
Glioblastoma multiforme = grade 4 astrocytoma
Anaplastic oligodendroglioma = grade 3 oligodendroglioma (oligodendrocytoma)
Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma = grade 3 oligoastrocytoma = anaplastic mixed glioma
Why do brain tumors occur?
Tumors form because of the abnormal, unregulated growth of cells. After the human brain completes it development soon after birth, the vast majority of its cells enter a resting state in which they never divide again. One exception to this rule is when a brain tumor develops. The abnormal brain cells re-enter the "cell-cycle" because of alterations in any of a large number of genes that control cell division and growth. Although much is known about the alterations in these genes in brain tumors, the reason why the gene alterations arise in the first place is poorly understood. The MGH has a very active research program in this area.
Are brain tumors hereditary?
The use of the word ‘gene’ invariably brings up the important question of whether brain tumors are hereditary. The answer for almost all patients is no. Although there are conditions in which brain tumors can occur in families, these syndromes are very rare and usually known prior to the development of an individual family member’s tumor.
Types of therapy
There are three standard types of treatment for patients with high-grade gliomas: surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.
Because grade 3 and 4 tumors have a tendency to grow rapidly, treatment must be started as soon after surgery as is feasible, allowing time for the surgical incision to heal. Generally, this means that patients should be undergoing either radiation therapy or chemotherapy within 2 to 4 weeks after surgery.
While therapies for high-grade gliomas are helpful, at present these treatments cannot cure these tumors. The two major reasons for this are that tumor cells infiltrate into surrounding brain and thus cannot be completely removed by the surgeon, and that most glioma cells are at least partially resistant to radiation and chemotherapy.
The goals of treatment are to:
-remove as many tumor cells as possible (with surgery)
-kill as many as possible of the cells left behind (with radiation and chemotherapy)
-put remaining tumor cells into a nondividing, sleeping state for as long as possible (with radiation and chemotherapy)
High-grade glioma cells almost always start to grow again at some point in time. Patients receive aggressive treatment in order to delay this regrowth as long as possible. Regrowth does not necessarily imply loss of control of the tumor, but it does mean that a new series of treatments should be considered because the tumor is becoming more aggressive.
Norman have just finish his 22nd radiation today. He is feeling fine except for a bee sting on his left fore head. It is slightly swollen and painful to the touch. The Dr suggest to take an anti-histamine.
On another note, I would like to say a big thank you to all our trekkers friends who celebrated Norman's birthay on sunday 20th January. (His actual birthday is on the 22nd). All the ladies are fantastic cooks!! I always look forward to any of our pot luck gathering. Whose birthday is next? I will post the photos another day as it is still in Nicky's camera.
Quote: A merry heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bone. Proverbs17:20
The macrobiotic diet
A macrobiotic diet is a strict whole-foods pesco-vegetarian (a diet that includes fish but no meat or poultry) diet. It is appealing to health-minded people who are practicing a holistic approach to physical and spiritual well-being. It focuses on balancing yin and yang foods, which are described below. There have been numerous anecdotal reports of the macrobiotic diet curing people of cancer or other serious diseases, but very little scientific evidence exists.
· 50 to 60% of your diet should be whole grains, 25 to 30% vegetables, 5 to 10% miso and bean soups, and 5 to 10% beans and sea vegetables.
· Avoid very yin or very yang foods
· The diet includes other principles like eating only when hungry, chewing food completely, and keeping the kitchen tidy.
Best bets: Brown rice, barley, whole wheat, fresh broccoli, cauliflower, chickpeas, tofu, sea vegetables like kombu and nori, and vegetable soups. A few servings of nuts and seafood per week are allowed.
More about this diet
The earliest recorded usage of the term “macrobiotics” is found in the writings of Hippocrates. Translated literally, macro is the Greek word for “great” and bios is the word for “life.” Macrobiotics is used by its practitioners as a tool that allows one to learn to live within the natural order of life. Throughout history, philosophers and physicians from many parts of the world have used this term to signify living in harmony with nature, eating a simple, balanced diet, and living to an active old age.
The modern practice of macrobiotics was started in the 1920s by a Japanese educator named George Ohsawa. Ohsawa is said to have cured himself of a serious illness by changing to a simple diet of brown rice, miso soup, and sea vegetables. At the core of Ohsawa’s writings on macrobiotics is the concept of yin and yang. In Chinese philosophy, the opposing forces of yin and yang govern all aspects of life. Yin—representative of an outward centrifugal movement—results in expansion. On the other hand, yang—representative of an inward centripetal movement—produces contraction. In addition, yin is said to be cold while yang is hot; yin is sweet, yang is salty; yin is passive, yang is aggressive. In the macrobiotic view, the forces of yin and yang must be kept in balance to achieve good health.
The macrobiotic diet, therefore, attempts to achieve harmony between yin and yang. To this end, foods are classified into yin and yang categories, according to their tastes, properties, and effects on the body. The two food groups—grains and vegetables—that have the least pronounced yin and yang qualities, are emphasized in the macrobiotic diet. Eating these foods is thought to make it easier to achieve a more balanced condition within the natural order of life. Foods considered either extremely yin or extremely yang are avoided. The standard macrobiotic diet recommendations are as follows:
· Whole grains—including brown rice, barley, millet, oats, corn, rye, whole wheat, and buckwheat—are believed to be the most balanced foods on the yin/yang continuum, and should comprise 50 to 60% of a person’s daily food intake. Although whole grains are preferred, small portions of pasta and bread from whole grain flour may be eaten.
· Fresh vegetables should comprise 25 to 30% of food intake. Daily consumption of any of the following vegetables is highly recommended: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, collards, mustard greens, turnips, turnip greens, onion, daikon radish and pumpkin. Vegetables to be eaten occasionally include celery, iceberg lettuce, mushrooms, snow peas, and string beans. Vegetables should be lightly steamed or sautéed with a small amount of unrefined cooking oil,preferably canola or olive oil.
· Beans and sea vegetables should comprise 5 to 10% of daily food intake. Especially recommended are adzuki beans, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), lentils, and tofu. Sea vegetables, including wakame, hijiki, kombu, and nori, are rich in many vitamins and minerals, and are easily added at each meal.
· Soups and broths comprise 5 to 10% of food intake. Soups containing miso (soy bean paste), vegetables, and beans are acceptable.
· A few servings each week of nuts, seeds, and fresh fish (halibut, flounder, cod, or sole) are permissible. Brown rice syrup, barley malt, and amasake (a sweet rice drink) may be used as sweeteners. Brown rice vinegar and umeboshi plum vinegar may be used occasionally. Naturally processed sea salt and tamari soy sauce may be used to flavor grains and soups.
· Fluid intake should be governed by thirst. Only teas made from roasted grains, dandelion greens, or the cooking water of soba noodles are generally considered acceptable. All teas with aromatic fragrances or caffeine are avoided. Drinking and cooking water must be purified.
· To maintain proper yin/yang balance, all extremely yang foods and all extremely yin foods are avoided. All animal foods, including eggs and dairy products, are believed to have a strong yang quality. Extremely yin foods and beverages include refined sugars, chocolate, tropical fruits, soda, fruit juice, coffee, and hot spices. In addition, all foods processed with artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives must be avoided.
· All foods should be organically grown. Produce should be fresh and locally grown.
Macrobiotic principles also govern food preparation and the manner in which food is eaten. Recommendations in this area include: avoid using a microwave oven to prepare food; cook rice in a pressure cooker; eat only when hungry; chew food completely; eat in an orderly, relaxed manner using good posture; and keep the home in good order, especially where food is prepared.
· 50 to 60% of your diet should be whole grains, 25 to 30% vegetables, 5 to 10% miso and bean soups, and 5 to 10% beans and sea vegetables.
· Avoid very yin or very yang foods
· The diet includes other principles like eating only when hungry, chewing food completely, and keeping the kitchen tidy.
Best bets: Brown rice, barley, whole wheat, fresh broccoli, cauliflower, chickpeas, tofu, sea vegetables like kombu and nori, and vegetable soups. A few servings of nuts and seafood per week are allowed.
More about this diet
The earliest recorded usage of the term “macrobiotics” is found in the writings of Hippocrates. Translated literally, macro is the Greek word for “great” and bios is the word for “life.” Macrobiotics is used by its practitioners as a tool that allows one to learn to live within the natural order of life. Throughout history, philosophers and physicians from many parts of the world have used this term to signify living in harmony with nature, eating a simple, balanced diet, and living to an active old age.
The modern practice of macrobiotics was started in the 1920s by a Japanese educator named George Ohsawa. Ohsawa is said to have cured himself of a serious illness by changing to a simple diet of brown rice, miso soup, and sea vegetables. At the core of Ohsawa’s writings on macrobiotics is the concept of yin and yang. In Chinese philosophy, the opposing forces of yin and yang govern all aspects of life. Yin—representative of an outward centrifugal movement—results in expansion. On the other hand, yang—representative of an inward centripetal movement—produces contraction. In addition, yin is said to be cold while yang is hot; yin is sweet, yang is salty; yin is passive, yang is aggressive. In the macrobiotic view, the forces of yin and yang must be kept in balance to achieve good health.
The macrobiotic diet, therefore, attempts to achieve harmony between yin and yang. To this end, foods are classified into yin and yang categories, according to their tastes, properties, and effects on the body. The two food groups—grains and vegetables—that have the least pronounced yin and yang qualities, are emphasized in the macrobiotic diet. Eating these foods is thought to make it easier to achieve a more balanced condition within the natural order of life. Foods considered either extremely yin or extremely yang are avoided. The standard macrobiotic diet recommendations are as follows:
· Whole grains—including brown rice, barley, millet, oats, corn, rye, whole wheat, and buckwheat—are believed to be the most balanced foods on the yin/yang continuum, and should comprise 50 to 60% of a person’s daily food intake. Although whole grains are preferred, small portions of pasta and bread from whole grain flour may be eaten.
· Fresh vegetables should comprise 25 to 30% of food intake. Daily consumption of any of the following vegetables is highly recommended: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, collards, mustard greens, turnips, turnip greens, onion, daikon radish and pumpkin. Vegetables to be eaten occasionally include celery, iceberg lettuce, mushrooms, snow peas, and string beans. Vegetables should be lightly steamed or sautéed with a small amount of unrefined cooking oil,preferably canola or olive oil.
· Beans and sea vegetables should comprise 5 to 10% of daily food intake. Especially recommended are adzuki beans, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), lentils, and tofu. Sea vegetables, including wakame, hijiki, kombu, and nori, are rich in many vitamins and minerals, and are easily added at each meal.
· Soups and broths comprise 5 to 10% of food intake. Soups containing miso (soy bean paste), vegetables, and beans are acceptable.
· A few servings each week of nuts, seeds, and fresh fish (halibut, flounder, cod, or sole) are permissible. Brown rice syrup, barley malt, and amasake (a sweet rice drink) may be used as sweeteners. Brown rice vinegar and umeboshi plum vinegar may be used occasionally. Naturally processed sea salt and tamari soy sauce may be used to flavor grains and soups.
· Fluid intake should be governed by thirst. Only teas made from roasted grains, dandelion greens, or the cooking water of soba noodles are generally considered acceptable. All teas with aromatic fragrances or caffeine are avoided. Drinking and cooking water must be purified.
· To maintain proper yin/yang balance, all extremely yang foods and all extremely yin foods are avoided. All animal foods, including eggs and dairy products, are believed to have a strong yang quality. Extremely yin foods and beverages include refined sugars, chocolate, tropical fruits, soda, fruit juice, coffee, and hot spices. In addition, all foods processed with artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives must be avoided.
· All foods should be organically grown. Produce should be fresh and locally grown.
Macrobiotic principles also govern food preparation and the manner in which food is eaten. Recommendations in this area include: avoid using a microwave oven to prepare food; cook rice in a pressure cooker; eat only when hungry; chew food completely; eat in an orderly, relaxed manner using good posture; and keep the home in good order, especially where food is prepared.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Nutritional Strategies Against brain Tumour
Can cancer patients eat anything they like? Sure … eat anything you like, so say some experts. There is now enough evidence to say that food has got a lot to do whether you get cancer or not. When and after you have cancer – can you still eat anything your like? They say -- Sure, eat anything you like to build up your body! Is this not making the cancer worse? According to one expert, “cancer could not careless what we eat”. Of course cancer couldn’t careless what we eat …. the more we feed the cancer cells with what they like, the happier they are! Yes, the cancer couldn’t careless but our body ought to care … we need to feed our body right so that we can become healthier and DENY the nutrients that would make cancer cells grow and flourish in us. Is it not logical enough?
Fruits and vegetables have been shown to be among the best means to reduce risk of cancer and other diseases … deeply hued fruits and vegetables provide the wide range of vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals your body needs to maintain good health and energy levels, protect against the effects of aging, and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
Evidence suggests that either a near vegetarian diet or a vegetarian diet is the best Reduction in cancer rates were observed in studies where participants reduced their animal-food consumption. A study showed that some fish added to a vegetarian diet provides benefits … diet containing a significant quantity of animal products cannot be healthy!
A well nourished cancer patient can better manage the disease, has fewer side effects from RT and chemo and increase chances for remission, Norman has completed about half of his 30 fractions of RT and Temodar treatment but he has yet to experience side effects like nausea, vomiting, hair loss and fatigue. At the moment he is still able to work and even treks up Gasing Hill like a breeze! Cool! He and Yam Koh are still racing each other! Oooiiiiiii, slow down abit, will ya?
We are seeing a Dr Pang at USJ9 for guidance on eating a proper diet and taking the correct supplements. She majors in preventive medicine. Her chief objective now is to boost up Norman’s immune system. Her diet plans plus my knowledge from hours of fervent reading online is as follows:
1 The super nutrients juicer
Juice 3 veggie -celery, cucumber, carrot twice a day
Juice 2 fruit- Guava, pineapple, grapes, pear, apple twice a day
Fruits to be taken whole-banana, papaya, red dragon fruit, kiwi, chestnuts
If possible, eat organic fruits. Sometimes I add enzyme powder to the juice too.
Avoid watermelon and durians, they contains too much toxins.
2 Eat organic food
Recommended diet portion of veggie is 1 cup cooked + 2 cups raw veggie for lunch or dinner. Only small portion of fish is permitted. We try to keep to this regime but I usually end up stir frying the veggie instead. I would like to add more variety and spices eg. Organic curry, mixed herbs, oregano, basil leaves, to enhance the flavor of food for Norman.
Norman likes salad. So I try to mix all the veggie, nuts, tomatoes, carrots, flaxseed oil, etc from the organic shop and I call it “Dorothy’s Salad”. So easy, No need cooking. Ha! Ha!
I welcome any vegetarian recipes from anyone. I am now learning to make lui cha fan. I got the recipe from Amy Beh website.
3 Food to avoid
a) Any sweet food. Sugar fuel and strengthen cancer cells. Elevated blood glucose lowers immune system.
b) Avoid all fizzy drinks (including 100 plus), white sugar (substitute with Stevia or molasses sugar), white rice (substitute with millet, cous-cous, brown rice, quinoa), and white bread (substitute with whole grain bread, rye bread).
c) Avoid all diary products and processed foods.
d) Avoid all meat to reduce acidosis in body. Meat like, beef, chicken, pork, lamb are completely out. Small portion of fish is permitted. Beans, nuts and millets will provide sufficient intake of protein.
While on radiation and chemotherapy, Norman drinks wheat grass juice, Millennium juice, coconut water, phyto-berry drink and lots of alkaline water. We just installed a Toyo alkaline water system recently.
Super food-We try to eat these food daily.
Garlic - Scientist find that garlic is deadly to invading pathogens or tumor cells, but is harmless to normal healthy body cells, thus offering the hope of the truly selective toxin against cancer that is being sought world wide.
Cruciferous vegetables – Broccoli, cabbage, spinach, all types of big leafy greens and cauliflowers are able to increase the body’s production of glutathione peroxides, which is one of the most protective enzyme systems in the body.
Mushrooms – Now there is an abundance of scientific evidence showing that Rei-shi, Shiitake, and Maitake mushrooms are potent anti cancer food. Oral extract of Maitake provided complete elimination of tumors in 40% of animals tested while the remaining 60% of animals had a 90% of elimination of tumors. It contains a beta-glucan which stimulates the immune system and even lowers blood pressure.
Legumes – Soya beans, pinto beans, black beans, garbanzo, red beans and green beans provide adequate proteins in the diet. Isoflavones and phytoestrogens in the soy beans have potent anti cancer properties. I boil these together with the millet for dinner. Organic fermented beans like black bean taucu and miso are the best. I use them to enhance food taste instead of salt.
Other food that we eat regularly- seaweed, ginger, snow fungus, black fungus, Inoki mushroom, sweet potatoes
Fruits and vegetables have been shown to be among the best means to reduce risk of cancer and other diseases … deeply hued fruits and vegetables provide the wide range of vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals your body needs to maintain good health and energy levels, protect against the effects of aging, and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
Evidence suggests that either a near vegetarian diet or a vegetarian diet is the best Reduction in cancer rates were observed in studies where participants reduced their animal-food consumption. A study showed that some fish added to a vegetarian diet provides benefits … diet containing a significant quantity of animal products cannot be healthy!
A well nourished cancer patient can better manage the disease, has fewer side effects from RT and chemo and increase chances for remission, Norman has completed about half of his 30 fractions of RT and Temodar treatment but he has yet to experience side effects like nausea, vomiting, hair loss and fatigue. At the moment he is still able to work and even treks up Gasing Hill like a breeze! Cool! He and Yam Koh are still racing each other! Oooiiiiiii, slow down abit, will ya?
We are seeing a Dr Pang at USJ9 for guidance on eating a proper diet and taking the correct supplements. She majors in preventive medicine. Her chief objective now is to boost up Norman’s immune system. Her diet plans plus my knowledge from hours of fervent reading online is as follows:
1 The super nutrients juicer
Juice 3 veggie -celery, cucumber, carrot twice a day
Juice 2 fruit- Guava, pineapple, grapes, pear, apple twice a day
Fruits to be taken whole-banana, papaya, red dragon fruit, kiwi, chestnuts
If possible, eat organic fruits. Sometimes I add enzyme powder to the juice too.
Avoid watermelon and durians, they contains too much toxins.
2 Eat organic food
Recommended diet portion of veggie is 1 cup cooked + 2 cups raw veggie for lunch or dinner. Only small portion of fish is permitted. We try to keep to this regime but I usually end up stir frying the veggie instead. I would like to add more variety and spices eg. Organic curry, mixed herbs, oregano, basil leaves, to enhance the flavor of food for Norman.
Norman likes salad. So I try to mix all the veggie, nuts, tomatoes, carrots, flaxseed oil, etc from the organic shop and I call it “Dorothy’s Salad”. So easy, No need cooking. Ha! Ha!
I welcome any vegetarian recipes from anyone. I am now learning to make lui cha fan. I got the recipe from Amy Beh website.
3 Food to avoid
a) Any sweet food. Sugar fuel and strengthen cancer cells. Elevated blood glucose lowers immune system.
b) Avoid all fizzy drinks (including 100 plus), white sugar (substitute with Stevia or molasses sugar), white rice (substitute with millet, cous-cous, brown rice, quinoa), and white bread (substitute with whole grain bread, rye bread).
c) Avoid all diary products and processed foods.
d) Avoid all meat to reduce acidosis in body. Meat like, beef, chicken, pork, lamb are completely out. Small portion of fish is permitted. Beans, nuts and millets will provide sufficient intake of protein.
While on radiation and chemotherapy, Norman drinks wheat grass juice, Millennium juice, coconut water, phyto-berry drink and lots of alkaline water. We just installed a Toyo alkaline water system recently.
Super food-We try to eat these food daily.
Garlic - Scientist find that garlic is deadly to invading pathogens or tumor cells, but is harmless to normal healthy body cells, thus offering the hope of the truly selective toxin against cancer that is being sought world wide.
Cruciferous vegetables – Broccoli, cabbage, spinach, all types of big leafy greens and cauliflowers are able to increase the body’s production of glutathione peroxides, which is one of the most protective enzyme systems in the body.
Mushrooms – Now there is an abundance of scientific evidence showing that Rei-shi, Shiitake, and Maitake mushrooms are potent anti cancer food. Oral extract of Maitake provided complete elimination of tumors in 40% of animals tested while the remaining 60% of animals had a 90% of elimination of tumors. It contains a beta-glucan which stimulates the immune system and even lowers blood pressure.
Legumes – Soya beans, pinto beans, black beans, garbanzo, red beans and green beans provide adequate proteins in the diet. Isoflavones and phytoestrogens in the soy beans have potent anti cancer properties. I boil these together with the millet for dinner. Organic fermented beans like black bean taucu and miso are the best. I use them to enhance food taste instead of salt.
Other food that we eat regularly- seaweed, ginger, snow fungus, black fungus, Inoki mushroom, sweet potatoes
Food Supplements Taken By Norman
Supplements recommended by Doctor
1 AHCC- Active Hexose Correlated compound. Please check online for this very interesting super food from Japan. It is extracted from the myecial threads of a mushroom.
2 Green Tea extract-
3 Prolactar- Friendly bacteria
4 Alpha Lipioc Acid- an antioxidant that increased production of glutathione which helps
dissolve toxic substances in the liver. It can cross the Blood Brain Barrier to go directly where it is needed.
5 Vitamin E
6 Zinc- essential for brain development and function.
Quote of the day!
"Let thy food be your medicine and your medicine be your food."
Hippocrates, father of modern medicine, 400 B.c
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
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